Labour bods all lining up tonight to say Govt needs to change direction, stop cuts etc etc. Last time I checked we were still borrowing sveral billion a year just to balance the books!!! Don't know where they think the goodies are going to come from
Delboy, the answer is simple according SF, Ruth Coppinger, People Against Profit etc .....just confiscate the wealth of the thousands of millionaires
Or just tax everyone earning over €100'000 a year at 60%. That'll sort things out! The fact that people earning that sort of money are already paying about €41'000 of it in income tax doesn't seem to bother them. Add to that the fact that many of them are servicing large debts which they would then default on isn't a problem either.Delboy, the answer is simple according SF, Ruth Coppinger, People Against Profit etc .....just confiscate the wealth of the thousands of millionaires (e.g. Seanie Fitz, Sean Dunne, Sean Quinn and the thousands of other such property developers........or are they all bankrupt????)
I saw Ruth on Vinny Browne using a Bank of Ireland report from 2006 to demonstrate how many millionaires we have only for Vinny to remind her that this was seven years ago when everybody was a millionaire. She seems not to understand that our millionaire population has somewhat diminished over recent years.
So if that does not work we can just default on our borrowings and then go back to the market for new lending (because robbing the Northern Bank wont be sufficient anymore).
Regrettably after the weekend, the lunatics are getting closer to running the asylum.
OMG I shuda listened to you creme!! Alex White now 5/4 with PaddyPower. He was available at 8/1 when you wrote this post.The only chance for labour is to go down a generation. Alex White, Arthur Spring. JB has been Gilmores Deputy, she represents more of the same.
However there is no getting away from their basic problem. Middle class voices expressing working class concerns. The workers want working class accents now.
OMG I shuda listened to you creme!! Alex White now 5/4 with PaddyPower. He was available at 8/1 when you wrote this post.
Joan the Haranguer is still marginal fav at 6/5, but this looks to me a slam dunk for AW, but at 5/4??
Perfect Labour Party credentials so!Anyway, Isn't Alex a barrister? Not exactly working class.
Perfect Labour Party credentials so!
The next leader will be their Neil Kinnock; there to rebuild the party (did I hear that there were only 4500 members nationally?) and allow the next leader to take the reigns untainted by the past.
People want change, new ideas and younger people and they're not going to get that with Joan Burton.
Alex White is to me the only capable candidate for the job and I hope he gets it.
Are you suggesting that Labour might have forgotten their roots??
Ivan Yates had some good internal gossip from Labour this AM and apparently Alex is in the bad books with the senior party Apparatchiks. Gilmore has looked after him at every turn, giving him good jobs and promotions along the way over the past few years. And how does he repay it...he jumps into bed with the a few junior TD's and signs the motion to have Gilmore kicked out!
Fuming with him apparently