L- plates removed,is this common ?


Registered User
Just wondering has anyone noticed the number of cars going around with L-plates is a lot less now than say a week ago, it seems that some drivers have removed them so as not to come to the attention of the garda,as i know of one person who is waiting on a test, but in the mean time decided to remove the stickers and continue driving, just wondering how common this and what the consequence of this action might be.
As far as I know it was very common even before the new rules came in so it's probably even more so now!
I have also noticed this.

The penalty for not displaying L Plates should be worse than the penalty for not having a fully licenced driver if required, otherwise there is no reason for the Learner Driver to keep displaying the plates.

Does anyone know if this is the case?
Fine of €1,000 for not displaying an L plate (here
I suspect some cars are shared (e.g. driven by the children), and perhaps the licensed driver now takes down the plates when they're behind the wheel?

It's a grand to get caught with no plates, plus another grand to get caught driving unassisted. Of course, now it's a lot more tempting to drive with no plates seeing as you're a lot more likely to get pulled over for having the plates than not.
I've noticed a lot of cars with marks on the rear window where L plates have been removed! Very obvious
Over the last 2 days driving 120 miles I haven't seen 1 car with an L plate on it!!!
I got into roughly 10 gardai checkpoints in the last two years - they were always checking tax and insurance discs and NCT. Not once I was asked to show my license (although I probably no longer look like being in my late teens ). Anyway, looks like they are more concerned about tax than driving licenses.
God yeah it's common. Never put L plates up and was at check points and openly told Gardai I just didn't bother.... Not once did they pass any remarks.
My son, who's just 18 and has a full licence thankfully, hasn't been asked for his licence once, event hough stopped a few times on regular checkpoints for tax/insce.
I was behind a car on Saturday, obviously with a driver under instruction. Lurching all over the road, braking nervously, misjudging every turn and completely confused at a roundabout. All of this at about 20 kmph. Young girl driving, older male passenger obviously directing them. No L plates. Stood out as if they has a neon sign on the car. Queue of cars following. I'm sure we'll see more of these now.

Assuming the male was a qualified driver, there was no reason not to display L plates.

Perhaps just laziness?
My son, who's just 18 and has a full licence thankfully, hasn't been asked for his licence once, event hough stopped a few times on regular checkpoints for tax/insce.
if everything is in order on the windscreen the usually dont bother about asking for the licence.
still seeing loads of L plates even the one's that are on upside down or sideways etc - these drivers worry me. If you can't put on your L plate correctly, I don't think you should be driving!!!
if everything is in order on the windscreen the usually dont bother about asking for the licence.

True but one might expect notwithstanding the discs all in order, that an obviously young driver with no L plates might just occasionally be asked for their licence too to see if they might be a learner driving unaccompanied.

This is absolutely disgraceful! If I had seen that, I would taken the reg and report them to the Gardaí.