"KILROY was Here....."

Naaahhh......Kilroy was no couch potato......TV to him meant 'Totally Void' while PC meant 'Permanent Construction' which was after all his comfort zone, his milieu, if you will. He was a man for the great outdoors as a general rule. He embraced the world at large and woman's place was in the home. Pity Brigid and he were not more compatible.

He had little understanding of or time for such futuristic banalities as 'bottom lines'. 'going forward' or 'reality checks'. He was the real deal.
Back when I knew him that's what he stood for anyway. Once when replying to his lawyer's query as to his links to his homeland, he replied "'twadn't on my mind till now but I'll go for Puck and might take in Lishtowell as well".
Made no sense to the lawyer but nobody on the Kilburn High Road needed explanation.

He was a man's man, was our Kilroy and he's out there now somewhere.
Hope someone blows his cover soon. I know, I know, there's a million reasons why he'd not be comfortable in today's world.
This post is rapidly going down he pan. Are you insinuating that Kilroy was from the Kingdom?:confused: Did you study Proctology in Kilburn?;) Did you ever meet Kilburn and The High Roads? If so, I think we should be told. continued page 96:D
And what of it if he was from the Kingdom ?
Wasn't every fight he ever started caused by his defence of some aspect of Kingdom affairs ?
ATTENTION all Breeze Shooters.
There has been a sighting of Kilroy. At 8pm last Thursday, I was passing thro' Heathrow Airport and there near the baggage check in Terminal 1 inscribed on the wall with a green marker was the time honoured inscription "Kilroy was here". Seemed fresh but the ink was dry as a bone. Hurriedly, I scanned the largely inter-racial queue of travellers wending their way before me but could not fix on a likely suspect.
At least now I know, Kilroy lives on and my quest continues.