Kids playing in garden

Welcome to suburbia! Kids in and out of the garden is a fact of life your friend is going to have to learn to live with. If they are actually playing in her garden (as opposed to running in and out occassionally) then she should actively discourage it - I'm sure its very annoying but I wouldn't involve the guards at this stage. How about a quiet word with the parents? Remember - kids get bored eventually but if they know that hanging around the garden is annoying your friend, they'll relish in it!

She could try planting some hedges and make the garden less easy to access.
My sister had the same problem. She put up a low fence (about 3') and planted shrubs to discourage the kids next door and it has worked.

She's not 'anti-kids' as such, her main concern was that the cars in the driveway would be scratched/damaged and she didn't want to have her shrubs trampled.
Well if thats what they're at maybe letting a roar at them might be the best option. Maybe have a word with the kids themselves...? Act like that very reasonable teacher we all had at some stage, who could embarress you by making you out to be really mean and unreasonable while smiling at you at the same time
Go out to wash the car with the hosepipe, and accidentally turn around and douse them when they're in the garden.
Tarquin - Kids Kids Kids - Kids are young goats (though you might say they are worse than young goats in this instance !!!) Children, now they are young humans !!!!
What about a dog? A mean, nasty dog? Then when she's terrified the local kids she can just say what many dog owners say "sure he won't go near you".... :)
Your friend needs to be more tolerant...Kids will be Kids. And to be honest if your friend gets a name amongst the kids as "The Old Biddy" it may get a lot worse for her. She needs to talk to the parents again in a calm manner and explain to them that the car/garden is being ruined by the messing and that while she knows the kids have to play somewhere she would prefer if they moved up the road to whatever green space is available.

The Hedge/Bush idea sheilding the gardens was a good one also the

Always remembering that oneday she was a child and someday may have her own and the last thing people want is someone constantly whining that the kids are playing.

I think she may be old before her time :)
Ask the Community Garda to have a gentle word. It could get nasty if they break something on the car and refuse to reimburse her.
re. the ball get a camcorder and record it, show it to the neighbours.
I'd try to ignore the name callers but again if she's sick of it record it and show the parents. Not sure what to do if they don't react but she could go to the guards.
oh for goodness sake, who's being the kid now, what is it we tell children when they get called names. They are behaving this way to get a reaction. If they get it it will most certainly not stop but continue. I appreciate that name calling can be hurtfull and embarrasing, but really tell her to try to ignore two fourteen year old boys.
Hi Tarquin,

Children can be such total brats - I really feel for your friend, 14 year olds are not exactly kids and I'm sure she must be feeling a bit intimidated by the name calling. She's really doing the only thing she can do - ignoring them as much as she can. I take it she's living on her own?

We moved into a house a few months ago and the next door neighbours seem to have quite a few children although there's generally so many people (adults and children) in and out of their house, it's hard to tell which children are theirs! They're in and out of our front garden from time to time when their ball has come over and as the house was empty for a while I reckon they got used to coming into the front garden whenver they wanted to. At first it was really annoying, even though they weren't half as bad as your friend's neighbours children, but I've grown used to it which is what my BF told me to do - they're not doing any harm (thank God) and it's just what happens in estates like you say. The next door neighbours friends also park right in front of our drive which I have to say, I am gobsmacked at. I would never dream of blocking somebody's drive but I suppose we always know who it is so if we need them to move it, we know where to go.

I hope she doesn't end up moving out, given that she seems to enjoy every other aspect of where she's bought.

deem said:
oh for goodness sake, who's being the kid now, what is it we tell children when they get called names. They are behaving this way to get a reaction. If they get it it will most certainly not stop but continue. I appreciate that name calling can be hurtfull and embarrasing, but really tell her to try to ignore two fourteen year old boys.

I certainly wouldnt' agree with this. Deem seems to have no upsetting it can be to be constantly harassed (that is what is) when entering and leaving her own home. It's a form of bullying and the best way to tackle it is to handle it head on. Bullies (which is what they are, if they are that disrepectful to someone older can you imagine how they treat their peers) are not that easily ignored and from my own experience I believe that you ahve to show them that you are not going to accept their behaviour.
Make notes and make sure the Gardai are informed of their behaviour.
As a previous poster said - ignore them! They're looking for a reaction. Remember that its the school holidays and they're probably bored they won't still be hanging around later in the year when its lashing rain/they have homework. Maybe they fancy her and are trying to "annoy" her - classic schoolyard behaviour.