kids kicking football outside gate.

Things are never that bad that you have to go out and be abusive to a couple of kids. I’ve had issues with some neighbouring kids and never resorted to kicking the **** out of them or even threaten to.

When I was a teenager, I used to have a few neighbours like you. I guess you and your ilk where there kids that stayed inside watching TV and not out side playing and learning social skills..
If you read this thread in full, its about the nuisance that kids are continually playing football against end walls, garden walls, cars, etc etc etc despite being asked not too. Is disrespecting other people and their properties in this way one of the 'social skills' that you learned while you were younger?????? I think we could do with a few less adults / kids with social skills like this in the world.

When I was younger, I was brought up to respect other people adults and their properties and would not have dreamed of being a nuisance to other people. And my parents would not have allowed me to be a nuisance to other people - unlike the parents of the kids being talked about in this thread!

As for the previous comment ' things are never that bad', only people who have to live with these 'children' kicking football on their property, can know that yes it can get this bad!! Im not suggesting death threats etc but it is exhausting, frustrating, stressful, annoying.

Well said, I think that encapsulates the whole argument. It's about respect.
Try putting some obstacles around the gatepost to make the ball bounce off at awkward angles.
I don't think homeowners should have to put up obstacles around their own gates because of other peoples kids!I don't think the ball bouncing awkardly would have any effect on these kids - they'd probably think it was great!!

These people have bought their homes, no doubt working a long day to pay a huge mortgage and should be entitled to relax in their own home in the evenings without the constant threat of a ball breaking a window, or bouncing of the wall and listening to the contstant thud thud of the ball off their wall.

I'd say there's a good chance that the people in this thread who say other people are overreacting, are the very ones who don't care that their kids are a nuisance to other people - as long as they are not playing football beside their house!!!!
The bottom line is, even the parents of these kids don't want them playing outside their own house. They don't want their cars dented or scratched with high velocity balls. They don't want their pretty flowers in their front gardens trampled on. They want to be able to sit in their front living room and watch the news etc. in peace after their evening meal, without their front windows and doors sounding like the walls of a squash court. So they send them out to play outside your house, to damage your property.

The thing is, you can't speak to these kind of kids, who actually come from parents, who don't even have respect for other peoples property. The message is never taught to them in the first place. And if the parent don't get it then neither will they.

All the Gardai will do, is tell them to move on. But that's fine until the next evening, when it's the same thing all over again. You probably need to move as that is no situation to live in, plus who in their right mind would want to live beside people like this for the rest of their days. And that is no disrespect to you or your wife. However, in the meantime, might I suggest the erection of a CCTV angled to protect your property. You must display a notice that there is a surveillance camera in operation for the purposes of personal protection. Then draw their attention to it and tell them that should they damage your property you will have evidence and will sue them for criminal damage. Might help. Might not. Hope it does. At least when they say in future "oh well it wasn't my little angel, he/she is a good boy/girl and wouldn't do that", you can say "well, hey, guess what, I have the evidence, dispute that!!

Point taken musicfan, I would have shown repect too and discontinued from playing football in the drive. I also knew kids back then that would be less well mannered. The way around that in almost all cases back then was aproach the kids parents.

I have been in the same position and dealt with it, but never would I have considered beating or giving a death threat to a teenager or younger. Hence I said things are never that bad. They maybe come that bad if the person dealing with them has anger issues.

I'd say there's a good chance that the people in this thread who say other people are overreacting, are the very ones who don't care that their kids are a nuisance to other people

You are a completey misguided in what you have said above, do you have kids?


A bit dramtic!
I think its one of those situations, where if you need it explained to you, you'll never understand.

Accept it can be incredibly stressful. But everyone should say within the law.
I have kids and if they were using a neighbours wall/gatepost to play on I would be very angry with them but I would expect the neighbour to complain to me in the first instance because it is disrespectful to other's people property. I've had kids playing ball in gardens and it falling into ours and the kids retrieved it either by climbing over the wall or going through our gate, have no problem with that either as I understand it's just young kids playing.

If I had a child of whatever age kick a ball at me deliverately I'd just confiscate the ball. End of story - let their parents call the guards on me for theft if they like.

If this didn't work I'd call the guards as many times as it would take them to get it sorted.

OP- why don't you take out your garden seat and sit at the driveway for a few evenings reading a book - after a few days of this they might find somewhere else to play. Maybe you could play some classical music (or something else uncool) at the gate to drive them away, or get rid of the gates, something about your gate is obviously attracting them.
Dunno how much they are but one of THESE might be a good investment.

Football starts, mosquito starts. football ends, mosquito ends.

Worth a look (listen) ?
When I was a teenager, I used to have a few neighbours like you. I guess you and your ilk where there kids that stayed inside watching TV and not out side playing and learning social skills..

That's a cheap and nasty assumption about the TV, for all you know their kids are kicking football in a FIELD.

Anyway, since when did continuing to kick a ball against a neighbours house, despite being repeatedly asked not to, constitute learning social skills? More like learning anti-social skills.

You seem to have a lot of empathy for these kids, did/do you harass your neighbours like this?

Unfortunately not all parents would be angry with their kids - like you say, you can understand its just young kids playing. Which is fine, if you don't mind kids using your walls / gates as goalposts.

A lot of other people can understand its young kids playing as well but don't want other peoples kids playing against their wall - especially when their parents don't want them kicking ball against their own walls!!! Parents should see other peoples point of view!!!
"When I was a teenager, I used to have a few neighbours like you. I guess you and your ilk where there kids that stayed inside watching TV and not out side playing and learning social skills.."

Having deciphered your assumption about me Jaid I can only say it is unhelpful.

Whether I have kids or not is irrelevant. I'm young enough to remember that as a child if it was pointed out to me that I was annoying somebody I would would have stopped pronto.To repeatedly return to an area that I have been asked to stay away from would not have entered my mind - particularly if somebody was getting upset by it. My parents would have been down on me like a ton of bricks too.

As a regular person, without the need for anger management classes, I think it would be fairly normal human behaviour to get annoyed if somebody repeatedly did something that you asked them not to do. This does not mean that I am in any way condoning or suggesting violence of any kind. It is up to everybody to stay within the law and to control their emotions.

Unfortunately if the complaints are only coming from one house it is very easy to be branded as "moaners". For the OP - is there any chance you could get some other neighbours involved/on your side to talk to the kids? It worked for the main part in our situation.
It is annoying. I lived in an area with on-street parking only, and the cul-de-sac was popular with a group of student soccer players living round the corner. The car has several scratched-in soccerball scuffs on the doors, roof and bonnet. Not a thing that can be done - although in the greater scheme of things, its not really of much consequence.

Your house must be particularly attractive to these teenagers - maybe the gate posts were ideally situated. I'd say the actions of the lady of the house will not have helped as the teens would probably enjoy provoking that sort of reaction again.

If the ball comes into your garden and you can get hold of it before they do, you can offer it back only on condition they don't use your gateposts again, or warn them that if balls keep coming in and hitting the porch, you'll start keeping the balls after the third strike - leave the glass open and remove breakables to allow the balls in and keep an eye out to run for the balls before they do. The minute that they cause tangible damage, such as dents in the car, broken glass or destroyed plants or pots, then you can demand that they make good the damage - you can use the camera on most mobiles to record their activities from the window for the purpose of proof.

If you have a set of gates, make a point of keeping them closed. If the gates are too low, consider having a higher set fitted. If the odd scuff mark on the car doesn't worry you, block the drive by parking the car right across the front of it. Gateposts as goalposts arent much use when they can't be got at.

Try and get it into perspective too. I don't believe its illegal for someone to retrieve a ball from your garden, particularly if there is no obstacle to their entering. No one has a 'right' to the pavement or roadway outside their house because they are owned by everyone.

Talk to your neighbours on both sides too - maybe they have had problems as well and any approach can be taken in coordination between the three of you.

There's been a lot of talk about parents of teenagers not taking responsibility, but when faced with irrefutable evidence or a Gard knocking on the door, even the most toughened 'my son's an angel' parent will find it hard to deny there's a problem.
A bit dramtic!

When you are dealing with people, that are of the opinion, that its ok for this to happen to you and your property & you are thus left, with not one, single, solitary, other alternative, it is not in the least.