The Contention thing occurs in every Network , but be se!!!!
Eircom are installing DSL into OLD exchanges with legacy copper and fibre and microwave backhaul to Dubline, sometimes all three of those.
I know people who can not get ISDN because their exchange cannot handle it, thats 128k of bandwidth .
A lot of Eircom exchanges only have 8 Mbits of backhaul altogether. Many bigger ones have 34 Mbit fibres and the really big ones have 155mbit fibres .
Smart are installing
2.5GBPS = 2500Mbit fibres in their exchanges so the first 1000 x 2Mbit customers on each exchanges will not be contended anyway. Their base level backhaul will be far higher than what Eircom may have in place in the same time . Of all the carriers in ireland they
should have the least contention problems overall.
Thats not to say that Smart may not try to shoehorn all their customers on a 100Mbit circuit across the Atlantic but
the network within Ireland will be less contended than Eircoms sometimes way less so. If they thy the chapo solution across the Atlantic then
ALL their customers will know about it as they will all be affected equally.
Eircom have hardly any 2.5Gbps stuff or higher . In many places you cannot get ISDN because they have no capacity for it in the exchange.
The story is a red herring sponsored by Eircom.
MY main concern about LLU is that Smart have not said if Voicemail is included in the €35 as you
Will[i/] be disconnected from Eircom Voicemail but you MAY have to pay a very high premium for Smart Voicemail in its place. Mrs T would kill me if there was no Voicemail, its an obsessive compulsion thing with her.
Their tariffs and service for telephones have not been published although I am not too worried about some of them like local and national for example. They can charge what they like for 1850 and 15xxxx numbers too.
They are keeping really really quiet about that stuff. There is nothing on their website at all .
Therefore I did not sign until last week and thats because cancelling is a doddle according to their T and C s