I've been a quiet observer for some time here, reading the good, the bad, the ugly. I have confirmation from KBC that my account is being considered, and will be dealt with as priority. As recently as today, when I push them for a timeline of resolution, but I'm still getting end of year jibberish. I'd really like to know @mccoypay94 - what your specific case scenario was, as you're the only impacted case that I've seen in relation to KBC
We went through our Broker back in 2005, so had no direct correspondence with bank initially, until we opted to fix in July 2007 for 1 year. After we realised the consequences of fixing for that year, we took a case with the Ombudsman, which we subsequently lost.
What is concerning us having looked into this again, is that our broken confirmed over email back then (which i still have) that we were on "a 1.1% + ECB tracker". Unfortunately, as it's 6 years over, our broken no longer has a copy of our file. I would like to know where our broker specifically got this info from, because looking at our original contract, it specifies variable rate only. That particular aspect, I'm not too concerned as the tracker was just the marketing term at the time, but the capped tracker rate specified for the term of the mortgage, was to be no more than 3.1% above the prevailing ECB main financing (REFI) rate. Assuming the ECB rate at the time was around the 2.0%, then it would seem to be in line up with what our broker confirmed over email, but again, I have no reference of ECB + 1.1% in the initial contract.
The fixed term agreement, obviously was not very transparent in terms of the higher SVR rate, that we're currently on, which is around 1.5% higher that what the 35 year term of our morgage was meant to be capped at, which I had previously expected to be greater according to that email from our broker in the past.