Just when I thought I'd seen it all


Here are some reasons to use a pet stroller.
1. Easier Vet Visits
Trips to the vet become easier and maybe even healthier with a dog stroller.
  • Transporting a litter of puppies? Put them in a stroller and eliminate worries about puppies escaping in the car or at the vet’s office.
  • Got a convalescing dog? Place her in a dog stroller for comfortable, stress-free transport to the car and hospital, without being investigated or hassled by other pets in the lobby.
  • Worried about germs from other sick animals in the waiting room? A stroller keeps your dog off the floor and other surfaces visited by sick dogs all day.
2. Get in Shape without Tiring Your Dog
Run or walk as far and as fast as you like. Then give your dog a ride when he’s had enough. You can continue your workout while your dog gets a breeze and a rest in the stroller.

3. Safely Go to Work
Take your dog to work one or more days a week. The stroller makes it easier to transport your dog from the car to the office, creates a confined space for the dog when it’s needed, and provides a safe and familiar den for napping.

4. It’s a No-Strain Pet Carrier
People are starting to use pet strollers instead of carriers. They’re easier on your back, shoulders and neck, and many stores appreciate dog owners having dogs completely enclosed.

[broken link removed]5. A Helping Hand for Older Humans or Older Dogs
Older dogs and even older humans may need an easier way to take spin around the block. Older dogs who get tired on the way home may appreciate a ride so their walks don’t get cut short. People who use a scooter - or who are a bit unstable, especially when a dog is pulling on a leash - sometimes find it easier to enjoy the fresh air with their dogs by using a dog stroller.

6. Outdoor Events - Best Seat in the House
Dog shows, picnics, festivals and other outdoor events can be fun to share with your dog. But they also mean dealing with crowds, bugs, other potentially aggressive dogs, trash and confusion. Give your dog a safe place to observe the festivities without getting her tail stepped on or gulping down dangerous chocolate before you can stop her. See how much easier a stroller is than crates at your next dog show.

7. Paw Protection
Sidewalks can give paws a beating, especially Phoenix in summer or Buffalo in winter. Road salt can dry and irritate paw pads. City dwellers have to negotiate all kinds of debris on sidewalks. A dog stroller keeps your dog clean and off any broken glass, trash, chemicals or other hazards on the sidewalk.

8. First-Class Travel
Car, boat and RV travel is easier with a dog stroller. Easily transport your dog(s) to the hotel room and from place to place without worrying that they’ll get loose and run away in a strange and dangerous place, like near a highway. Some dogs don’t like walking on docks when the water’s choppy. Ease your dog’s anxiety by helping him onto the boat in a stroller. When visiting relatives, the stroller gives you an instant crate where the dog can nap when he gets tired of entertaining the kids.

9. Fresh Air, No Walking
Dogs who are recovering from surgery or injuries, or who have become disabled, enjoy getting fresh air even if they can’t walk very far. It stimulates them to get some sun, sample new smells and see new surroundings. A dog stroller keeps them comfortable, and they’re happy to be able to go outside.

10. Safety Around Aggressive Dogs
Unleashed dogs can pose a threat to your small dog if they’re aggressive or unsocialized. Keep your dog safe from other dogs in a dog stroller.

11. Multiple Dogs, Multiple Directions
Owners of several small dogs often find that it’s easier and calmer taking them out in a stroller because they can’t go in separate directions, winding the leash around their person’s legs!

12. Big Dog, Small Dog
Got a big dog and small dog? Give your power pooch a good long walk without tiring out the smaller one by using a dog stroller.

13. Giving Back
Lucky dogs like to give back. A fun way to do that is at a 5K charity walk/run. Keep your dog safe from crowds of runners by putting her in a dog stroller. You’ll put a smile on people’s faces and spend some quality time doing a good deed with your pooch. Plus, you can do the whole distance without tiring out a dog who’s not used to that much activity. If your dog visits nursing homes or hospitals, the stroller makes trips easier and provides a safe haven for overstimulated dogs who need a break from the attention.

14. Safely Out of the Way of Urban Traffic
Dog owners who live in large cities like to use strollers to keep their dogs from running into the street, or wrapping their leashes around other pedestrians.

15. Less Stressful Evacuations
If you have to move your pets in preparation for a tornado, earthquake, hurricane, fire or other emergency, it’s much easier in a stroller. Carry a familiar blanket, toys, snacks, food, water, bowls and pickup bags with your dog to provide comforts of home and eliminate the danger of the dog getting loose or running away out of fear during transport.

16. More Quality Time
A dog stroller simply gives you more quality time with your dog. It lets you take your dog more places than a leash or even a pet carrier. With more workplaces, stores and restaurants becoming dog-friendly, a responsible dog owner with her dog in a stroller will always be welcome. A stroller lets your dog come along for errands, social visits, “bring your dog to work day,” and even shopping.