Junk Mail Deliverers

Barney Magoo

Registered User
Apologies if this is in the wrong place.

We have a sticker on our letterbox asking that no junk mail be posted, like many others in our area. Some deliverers comply, many don't (we'll ignore the politicians for this discussion).
However, recently we've noticed a new trend that occasionally cards are being left on the doorstep or placed in a plant pot beside the door or in one case left under the windscreen wiper of the car in the driveway. Our camera typically shows becapped, camera-shy guys who tap lightly on the door (not pressing the doorbell), and turn their backs as soon as possible.
Now, having a bit of a suspicious and cautious nature, I wondered is this common or is it as suspected a form of tradecraft to see if the card will be moved. So far the cards are all similar in type advertising cleaning, gardening or roofing services.