John O'Shea from GOAL on Sky News

Rainyday, I apologise and stand corrected.
sherib, why should she have resigned? She got what she wanted and overseas aid was not cut on her watch.

On the subject of trade in general does no one have a problem with the fact that without the tariffs that contribute to keeping Africa poor there would be no agricultural sector worth speaking of in Europe?
If we did allow free trade then the corrupt dictators in many African countries would just have more money to oppress their people and stuff into Swiss banks.
The one thing that George W Bush has right is that democracy and freedom are the solution to most of the worlds ills. What he does to help foster that democracy and freedom is where many people have issues. The bottom line is that there are no famines in democratic countries.
Most of Africa’s problems were caused in whole or in part by outside factors but most of the solutions to those problems now lie in Africa.
Purple said:
The one thing that George W Bush has right is that democracy and freedom are the solution to most of the worlds ills. What he does to help foster that democracy and freedom is where many people have issues.

You don't actually believe this do you?? Democracy and freedom are way down Dubya's agenda compared to oil and money!! He would just as quickly remove a democratically installed government that stops selling him oil as he would a despot. Look at what happened to Hugo Chavez. There is an excellent Irish documentary about what happened to him and how he managed to get back into office, thanks to mass protests and the help of the presidential guard.
Hi Wiggles,
I didn't say he practices what he preaches, I don't think many people believe that.
I saw the documentary about Chavez; it was very good, if a little biased