Jobseekers pay related benefit


Registered User
Hi, I just searched what my options were if I were to give up my part time job. I’ve worked 10+ years with it in office environment as it suits me with kids, job wise it was ok routine accounts/office work but last few years due to a few reasons personal and change in personnel and ways I go in every week thinking I’ll hand in my notice this week. I have applied for a few jobs but haven’t heard anything back. I got a shock today as I searched and found new system coming in after 31st March. Old way I would have got €244 a week which wasn’t much less than weekly wage once travel and lunch costs took out but new way based on gross salary I predict I would only get €195 a week which would drop further…is this correct…60% of gross wage from a year ago. I should have handed notice in sooner at start of year. Obviously I don’t want to be on welfare long and am actively looking. I assume I get nothing for kids as husband working too.
The existing Jobseekers Benefit scheme will continue to run in parallel with the new Pay related scheme.

You will be awarded whichever scheme gives you the highest payment.