Hi, I just searched what my options were if I were to give up my part time job. I’ve worked 10+ years with it in office environment as it suits me with kids, job wise it was ok routine accounts/office work but last few years due to a few reasons personal and change in personnel and ways I go in every week thinking I’ll hand in my notice this week. I have applied for a few jobs but haven’t heard anything back. I got a shock today as I searched and found new system coming in after 31st March. Old way I would have got €244 a week which wasn’t much less than weekly wage once travel and lunch costs took out but new way based on gross salary I predict I would only get €195 a week which would drop further…is this correct…60% of gross wage from a year ago. I should have handed notice in sooner at start of year. Obviously I don’t want to be on welfare long and am actively looking. I assume I get nothing for kids as husband working too.