I spoke with my case officer on Tuesday and asked about signing on for credits. I explained the wording from a previous online notification and you could not do it online so they suggested I call into office.
I went in on Wednesday, took a ticket and then asked about signing on for credits. They handed me a form (not the actual form I reckon) with "Credits" written on the top in ink. I had to fill in everything all over again e.g. have you a car, will you travel for work, size off town you live in etc.
I filled form in and handed it back to staff member. They reckon I should get a letter next week in post.
Also the letter I got rejecting my JA claim mentioned I could apply for supplementary allowance. No chance I would get any - infact only allowed 5,000 savings to disregard instead off 20,000 with JA.
It's like they copy and paste part's off the letter to compose it.