Jobseekers Benefit duration and part time work


Registered User
Apologies in advance if this was asked and answered previously.

Awarded Jobseekers Benefit in Oct 2022. Award was under part time option (ie because work week had been reduced to 2-3 days from full time).

Notice of award stated the following:

Your Jobseeker’s Benefit claim will continue for a maximum of 234 days providing you continue to meet all the conditions for this payment.

The 234 days is based on 6 days/week, so effectively it means nine months (6x39).

Since October, JSB benefit has been paid based on days worked part time during the week, usually 2 or 3, sometimes 0.

My question is, does the 234 days (9 months) expire nine months after the date of the award, or does it expire after being paid a total of 234 days of benefits?

(Around 130 days of benefit have been paid since start of award, so will JSB continue until 234 days of benefit are reached - provided of course that circumstances are unchanged.)
If you work part-time , say 2 days a week and thus collect equivalent of 3 days a week JB, then the period of your claim is extended. So you might get the 3 day JB payment for c 13 months (the equivalent of the full JB benefit for 9 months).