If your travel plans don't go ahead, you can contact census.ie & the enumerator will call back to you with a Household Form & will cancel your E Form
Grizzly - if I had been your enumerator, I would have gone on how likily you were likily to be there - so if morethan likily, I'd have given you a HH form and left you my number if your plans changed so you could do an E form.
If you are out of the country, you are not counted (it is balanced with foreigners who are in the country having to complete a form)
If you are elsewhere in the country, you need to provide the address of where you will be so it can be ensured you were enuemerated at that location.
Re envelopes - if you just post the form back without making the correct arragements with the enuerator so they can follow H form proceedure (ie - Hidden), then it is not know that you want a confidential return so the form is forwarded to the enuerator. Most people who just post it back do so because they are heading away.
If you request confidentiallity, you will be issued with a envelope mark "H" and the supervisor will pass a "H Form" to the enuerator with just the address and the number of males & females, so they can tally their figures. The supervisor subsitutes the H form with the completed form when they recieve back the boxes at the end. I only had 2 H forms and that was what happened.
Not sure about the olden days, but the last Census you definatly didn't have a sealled form 'cos the enuerator has to "flick" through the form to check
- it was filled in in blue or black pen (not pencil or red biro)
- it hadn't been defaced
- it had been signed
- all the people ment to be at the house were accounted for (either under present or absent)
We didn't "read" the form just "flick" to check the relevant bits
As I said before though - we had about 450 forms to collect, I had zero desire to look and find out what age someone was or anything else (at that stage you are tired and just want it all over !!
This is a tough job, please be nice to your poor enuerator who is just doing a job. They are signed up for just about 8 weeks and have a lot of processes to learn and alot of wlaking and knocking on doors to do.