Jihadi Brides


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Why are girls and women who go to ISIS areas to become terrorists referred to as victims of radicals whereas boys and men who go there to become terrorists are just terrorists who have been radicalised?
Are girls stupid and therefore easily led whereas boys are smart and so able to make their own decisions?

I've read lots about the "poor girls" who became Jihadi Brides, even one who was an ISIS sniper and others who carried our suicide bombings. Why do they get a pass and men who do the same thing are crazy terrorists?
I think they are all crazy terrorists and should all be treated the same.
Why are girls and women who go to ISIS areas to become terrorists referred to as victims of radicals whereas boys and men who go there to become terrorists are just terrorists who have been radicalised?
Are girls stupid and therefore easily led whereas boys are smart and so able to make their own decisions?

I've read lots about the "poor girls" who became Jihadi Brides, even one who was an ISIS sniper and others who carried our suicide bombings. Why do they get a pass and men who do the same thing are crazy terrorists?
I think they are all crazy terrorists and should all be treated the same.

The boys/Men martyrs are promised 72 virgins when the die:rolleyes:
You know about the suicide bomber who goes to heaven to receive his 72 virgins
only to see other men just like himself
Confused he asked one of them where his virgins are The man replies ,We are all virgins
Now do you understand why we cannot have girls /woman becoming Jihadi Brides
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It used to be only 40. Theres inflation for you.
no it was always 6 dozen.Someone must be trying to short change you,It could be worse you could finish up with 40 raisins,
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Why are girls and women who go to ISIS areas to become terrorists referred to as victims of radicals whereas boys and men who go there to become terrorists are just terrorists who have been radicalised?
Are girls stupid and therefore easily led whereas boys are smart and so able to make their own decisions?
I've read lots about the "poor girls" who became Jihadi Brides, even one who was an ISIS sniper and others who carried our suicide bombings. Why do they get a pass and men who do the same thing are crazy terrorists?
I think they are all crazy terrorists and should all be treated the same.

Is it a factor of the 'victimisation' element in modern culture?
Whatever about the sniper, who should just get a quick dose of her own medicine; for the ones who married a radical, maybe that narrative makes it easier for the family to try to reconcile them back to reality... Some of them were 15/16 when they did a runner, they weren't children, but they weren't mature adults either.
I'm more inclined to view the teenagers differently (male or female) than those who did > 18.
I think it's a modern day thing treating women who join Isis as victims, complete rubbish. After the second world war women who fraternised or dated Nazi soldiers were treated very harshly or killed, remember in France what happened after to those women. There needs to be consequences to decisions you make whether you are male or female. All those women knew how grotesque Isis were, therefore no excuses.