jewellers in Galway deposit



this is a long story but we need to know how we stand. It was my birthday last week and my hubbie decided to get me an eternity ring. He went into a reputable well known jewellers in Galway City and the girl said they would need to see me to get the size and he wanted me to pick the ring I wanted. He let them put €500 on his credit card and they gave him a mock (worthless) ring with glass stones in the lovely wrapped box just so he would have something to give me. He gave it to me and explained that I was to go in and pick out the ring i really wanted up to the value of €2000.

I decided I did not want the ring and so hubbie went back in today gave them back the mock ring and asked for his card to be refunded. they refused saying their policy is to give a credit note! We want the refund as we have no intention of getting anything there. Girl in shop then stalled saying she would discuss it with her boss and get back to us tomorrow. we reckon we are entitled to the refund as we did not actully purchase anything.

Any opinions?
buy the way the girl in the shop did not tell hubbie deposit was non refundable at the time.
Seeing as I go no replys here I went to the national consumer agency. We are not even entitled to a credit note and if the shop really wanted to push it they could demand full payment of 2K. Aparently by giving the €500 hubbie entered into a contract with them. We will use credit note to get x mas pressies and brithday pressies.
To the rest of you NEVER pay a deposit on anything unless you are 110% sure you want it.
if anyone wants to know the name of the jewellers PM me i will be more than happy to let you know. I still think it would be good customer service to tell people a deposit is non refundable before they pay it. I know the law is the law but I think a word of warning would save a lot of hassel and bad feeling.
would it be possible to cancel the transaction with the cc company?
does seem quite underhanded of the jewelers as they are forcing a sale once they get a deposit.
the transaction was two weeks ago so the transaction is gone through. i still think what ever the law says they should have told him it was non refundable.
did the consumer help line say they had to notify you the deposit was non refundable?
The general rule is that deposits are non-refundable unless you are told otherwise.

I agree that it would be nice if they told you this at the time.

If you tried to reverse the transaction on your CC, the shop would be entitled to object.
I really hate when a shop does something that may be legal, but is totally immoral, and shows that they have no concept of the value of goodwill. I think it's totally rotten that they have soured a really nice thought of your husband. They knew it was a present he was buying for his wife, how horrible of them to hide behind the law to force a sale.

You're hardly going to ever use them again once you've spent the value of the deposit (maybe use it when they next have a sale?), and you're probably going to tell everyone you know to steer clear. Very short sighted if them in my opinion.

If it were me, I think I would make one last-ditch attempt by appealing in writing to them, and if that failed, then I'd be on to my local radio station. If they need your money so badly, why not give them a bit of free advertising!!
I think it's totally rotten that they have soured a really nice thought of your husband.

I would take the view that not taking the ring has soured the thought!

Btw-given that the OP is looking for their money back, the shop has lost a sale anyway.
Btw-given that the OP is looking for their money back, the shop has lost a sale anyway.
True, but if the shop had treated them in a friendly way, they might stand to make a sale in the future as the OP might go back. And she would have had a good story to pass around about the shop which might have encouraged others!
Maybe, but

kellysayers said:
We want the refund as we have no intention of getting anything there.

At the moment, the shop have a sale of €2,000-I'm not in business, but if I was I would be somewhat reluctant to write that off on the basis that it may lead to more business in the future. Short-termism maybe, but a bird in the hand etc.
It’s difficult to see what you are complaining about. Your husband entered into a contract to purchase a ring to the value of €2,000, and paid a deposit of €500. You then decided on a whim not to complete the transaction. AFAIAA, not only has the shop the right to retain the deposit but they could pursue you through the courts to complete the transaction. The shop was more than generous to give you a credit note of the value of the deposit. One of the benefits of the free enterprise system is that contracts are enforceable in law; you enter into one and you must comply with it. You’d feel hard done by if a supplier or tradesman took a deposit from you and then reneged on a contract.
I would echo PMU's post...the jeweller is entitled to issue a credit note.
The retailer has helped your husband with advice on sizing and given him a sample ring so he'd have something to give you. They didn't just think short term and just try and sell him a specific ring there and then. I'm sure the policy of taking a deposit is in place to stop their goodwill being abused and their time wasted which seems to be the case here.
Are you mad? He put a deposit down.... gave you a ring as a kind gesture. Waiting to get their rightfully due payment to the value of 500 euro+ and you say no? Wasting the retailers time and staff time. They're are too many ads out there from consumers associations saying "you are entitled to your money back".... but in the small print "if good are faulty...etc." They are in business - not trying to rip the consumer off. Trying to pay extortinate rents... rates.... water light and heat. Why do you think every second family run business is closing down these days. Put yourself in the shoes of the independent retailer sitting beside you in the pub or in the que for the bus!! Just trying to make an honest wage in difficult times. Sure send a solicitors letter just to really put the screws in!