Jehovah Witness: Persistant calling to door & leaving literature: any legal recourse?

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Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

I find that smiling, thanking them for calling , telling them I respect their beliefs but that as I am a practising (always emphasise the practising) Catholic, I would be wasting their time, works just fine. No need for stress, all very pleasant and Christian and no need above all for legal action.I imagine in any case that in order to keep Jehovah Witness' off one's property, onw would have to have a sign keeping all callers away not just sellers of products, or those trying to convert one. Otherwise surely they could sue one on the grounds of discrimination!!!
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Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

I find that smiling, thanking them for calling , telling them I respect their beliefs but that as I am a practising (always emphasise the practising) Catholic, I would be wasting their time, works just fine. No need for stress, all very pleasant and Christian and no need above all for legal action.I imagine in any case that in order to keep Jehovah Witness' off your property, one would have to have a sign keeping all callers away not just sellers of products, or those trying to convert one. Otherwise surely they could sue one on the grounds of discrimination!!!
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Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

Er, the OP is trying to discourage unwanted callers :D

Ok, would showing them your Blood Donor card get rid of them ?
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

Ok, would showing them your Blood Donor card get rid of them ?

You would:

A) Be congratulated for showing feeling for your fellowman and caring enough to want to help people in such a way.

B) Asked if you know that the Bible offers help that will result in everlasting life, rather than an extension of this one.

Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

If anyone has any questions I can try to answer them

Hi Sylvester3,

Do the Jevoha Witnesses get many converts from the knocking on doors approach?

Whats the reasoning behind knocking on peoples doors - it always seems to be young people who do it, is there a particular age that people do it at?

Are there are many Jevoha Witnesses who just pick and choose the bits they are into but leave the rest behind (similiar to catholics who never go to mass but want to get married in a church or have their children christened there)?
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

Hi Sylvester3,

Do the JWs get many converts from the knocking on doors approach?

You would be surprised at how many - my grandparents came in this way as well as my wifes parents. And I knew many people who had come into the organisation through the door-to-door ministry. It worked for 1st century Christians don't forget!

There are many people looking for answers that don't feel happy with their current faith and want to try something new. Lonely people, especially, would find the companionship of the "brotherhood" inviting. I found it quite suffocating myself!

Whats the reasoning behind knocking on peoples doors - it always seems to be young people who do it, is there a particular age that people do it at?

Copying the example of the Apostles and This post will be deleted if not edited immediately in the various letters and gospels, for the most part. Its a "back to basics" approach really. I don't know why you only get young people though (unless you are thinking of Mormons who tend to do it as a calling for a few years) as all Jehovah's Witness are supposed to be involved, and report on the ministry they have accomplished. Children even have a part in it (I hated it!), having little presentations to do.

Are there are many JWs who just pick and choose the bits they are into but leave the rest behind (similiar to catholics who never go to mass but want to get married in a church or have their children christened there)?

Well some do, but they aren't really considered proper Witnesses if they don't accept all the revealed wisdom. I was one of those, in reality, as I went along because my family did and even got married in a Kingdom Hall. But the prevailing wisdom within the organisation is "all or nothing" so my wife and I slipped quietly away, as our hearts weren't in it. A lot of it is about the Christian values of humilty and respecting Authority. I had a hard time accepting that, but I have a healthy love of science anyway and was quietly allowing my mind to be changed to the point that I felt I couldn't be true to myself by staying.
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

Thanks Slyvester3 - thats especially interesting about how many people come in through the door to door approach.

When you 'slipped away' as it were - was there any pressure from the other members to stay or did you have to make any kind of formal declaration that you were no longer into it?
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

Thanks Slyvester3 - thats especially interesting about how many people come in through the door to door approach.

When you 'slipped away' as it were - was there any pressure from the other members to stay or did you have to make any kind of formal declaration that you were no longer into it?

We slipped away by moving quite far away. When you move to a new area you are meant to arrange things so that the congregation in the new area gets word and your records and welcomes you in. We, ah, neglected to do that. :D

People can and do make declarations. But they 'dissasociate themselves' which can make dealings with family members still in the organisation a little (or a lot, depending on their feelings) unpleasant, as its kind of 'disfellowshipping' yourself (disfellowshipping is a form of religious punishment similar to shunning or excommunication). We felt no need to make a public declaration that would only hurt our family so we are in a kind of religious "limbo" between congregations were we haven't declared anything but just do not turn up, report any ministry or indeed see fellow believers. As I'm not intending to declare fealty to any other God (beyond the Flying Spaghetti Monster), I don't anticipate any problems. I'm just a little old lost sheep, me! ;)
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

I'm just a little old lost sheep, me! ;)

Well you seem to have found a new way that youre happy with so thats for the best!

Thanks very much for answering questions!
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

By the way - asking to be put on the DNC (Do Not Call) list is the best way to stop visits. An Elder will still occasionally call to make sure that the person putting the house on the DNC list is still there and that they want to stay on it.
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

In the late 80's /early 90's my family had a house in Dublin where we all lived from time to time while at university or doing various courses etc. We were a motley crew and attracted all sorts of visitors. There was a nursing home a few hundred yards up the road and we'd often get one or more of the residents calling. One of our neighbours was downs syndrome and he called every day along with the neighbours on the other side who were an elderly couple and I think they used to check that we were actually eating something and getting up in the morning okay. Then the jehovahs started calling, it felt like once a week. Actually they probably met someone new every time they called. They were extremely polite but the only time they actually got to talk to anyone was when someone was too hungover to leave ( ie anyone of my brothers on a Sat morning!).
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

An excellent way of deterring unwanted visitors to your door/person is to completely catch them off guard. It is a common psychological method of changing the outcome of a situation. If you are confident enough, when they call at the door, open the door and before they speak start telling them about the difference in height between the walls at your old house and your present house. Go into great detail and once you are finished say thanks and close the door. It is called an information dump. Works every time. If they come back, do the same thing again.

This can also work if you are challenged/mugged on the street! Not from personal experience but a friend of mine is a personal security consultant and a qualified psychiatrist and this method is taught by some in the personal protection world.
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

Or fill a hypodermic syringe with red dye and charge at them.;)
Re: jehovahs

How about being nice and treating them as fellow human beings. l.
1 They are a dangerous cult
2 They have been told to stay away twice
3 They ignore the no junk mail sticker with their nonsense
4 The person concerned does not want them around
5 If the person wants religion they can find it themselves
6 If they want to sell their religion they can put up a stall on the street and then people can choose if they want their 'literature'
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

An excellent way of deterring unwanted visitors to your door/person is to completely catch them off guard. It is a common psychological method of changing the outcome of a situation. If you are confident enough, when they call at the door, open the door and before they speak start telling them about the difference in height between the walls at your old house and your present house. Go into great detail and once you are finished say thanks and close the door. It is called an information dump. Works every time. If they come back, do the same thing again.
Works every time.
would not bet on it

This can also work if you are challenged/mugged on the street! Not from personal experience but a friend of mine is a personal security consultant and a qualified psychiatrist and this method is taught by some in the personal protection world.
It can work but you would be foolish to rely on it
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

unwanted literature we deal with with a nice brass coloured no free newspapers or junk mail notice stuck to our letterbox.
Where did you get this nice brass coloured notice, was it xpensive? What is it made of? Is it stuck on or screwed. I want something nicer than the stuck on one I have. Thanks
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

in homebase for about a fiver, it is stick on but very well stuck no way of pulling it off
Re: Jehovah Witness: Persistant calling to door & leaving literature: any legal recou

My Mother is a crazy Catholic type and wherever she would meet people of different faiths she would try and convert them. So much so, not many "convertors" came to our door.

It's a method I have used with great success. :D
Re: Jehovah Witness: Persistant calling to door & leaving literature: any legal recou

Hey Davy! Her prayers might be enough to save you from the squids tentacles when you eventually rest in your namesake's Locker. ;)
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

We slipped away by moving quite far away.
Must be a fairly dangerous organisation if you have move quite far away to leave them. Would not want them at my door
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