Jehovah Witness: Persistant calling to door & leaving literature: any legal recourse?

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April Raine

Registered User
What is the legal situ if jehovah witnesses persist in calling to a house they are requested not to and putting literature in the door
Re: jehovahs

No Idea, but try a technique I used to my benefit.
I had 2 witnesses call to the door. It turned out they worked in Gateway, and we had a computer that customer care were doing their best to ignore. The 2 witnesses had it collected and back in 1 week. I had them over for dinner late on, and had a very informative time. They also gave up on me completely when I started discussing the vrtues of atheism. So , maybe a total change in tack could actually disarm them!
Re: jehovahs

If they are that bad or persistent tell them to F off and slam the door.
Re: jehovahs

What is the legal situ if jehovah witnesses persist in calling to a house they are requested not to and putting literature in the door

If they are on your property without permission, they are trespassing.
Re: jehovahs

Get a little doll & stick pins in it & when they call around start sticking more pins in it in front of them. Then cast a spell on them.
Re: jehovahs

Tell them that by you becoming a Jevoha Witness, then that reducing their chances of getting into heaven as only 144k are allowed.
Re: jehovahs

How about being nice and treating them as fellow human beings. I have in the past said hat I am very comfortable with my own beliefs, and to please not try to talk me into changing them. I have had no problems of persistence at all. Being insulting to other people's beliefs does not sit too well with me.

Hubby, who knows his bible much better than I do was happy enough to invite a couple of Jevoha Witnesses in for coffee once and have a theological debate. Very good natured it was. They did not come back. There is no need to be rude at all.
Re: jehovahs

Well I wouldn't normally advocate rudeness, but since the OP described them as "persisting in calling to a house they are not requested to" , I would regard that as rude and would have no problem in responding with rudeness.

Depends what is meant by persistent and how clear the OP's lack of interest was made to them on previous occasions I suppose.
Re: jehovahs

There's an old woman around the corner from me who I'm told asked them to call back for a chat at a certain time a couple of days later and when they called she had the parish priest in the sitting room having coffee and invited them in for a discussion about catholic vocations. They never called again.:)
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

Why does everyone think of the legal route these days? Especially with something so trivial.:rolleyes:

Whats wrong with taking 5secs to tell them "no thanks", and another 5secs to throw any literature in the bin. Sounds like a lot easier than talking to solicitors if you ask me.
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

..try answering the door when they call holding a freshly decapitated black rooster in your hands-that should do the trick..

Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

Whats wrong with taking 5secs to tell them "no thanks", and another 5secs to throw any literature in the bin. Sounds like a lot easier than talking to solicitors if you ask me.
"A stitch in time saves nine" ;)

Actually I have sympathy with the OP. There have been days I've counted 9 calls at the door by people trying to sell or persuade me to buy / believe something. Eventually I put up a sign I printed off the internet saying "No doorstep sellers" (my kids are mortified) and it's helped. The odd religious nut still calls, thinking I wouldn't put them under the selling category, and I tell them "so you're selling your stuff for free then. Sorry, still not interested." and wave them goodbye while they look confused.

I expect interruptions at work, but at home I want to be able to relax and not miss some of the news or a favourite programme because someone wants to sell me double glazing or whatever. (Have double glazing but a guy called recently to try and sell me double glazing. Stepped out the front and looked at the windows and told him I was pretty sure I had double glazing already, did he not agree? He looked at me as if I had two heads and escaped asap.)
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

i had an eircom phonewatch lady call when i was heavily pregnant and hormonal and had made great efforts to answer the door - WE ALREADY HAVE AN ALARM ITS THAT FLASHING WHITE BOX ON THE WALL - she was suitably scared and ran away. unwanted literature we deal with withb a nice brass coloured no free newspapers or junk mail notice stuck to our letterbox. The legion of mary are worse in our area trying to get you to join in a rosary on the doorstep.
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Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

I have an intercom with a telephone handset inside the house through which I vet callers to the door. For people peddling religion I say 'no thank you Im not interested'. Occasionally out of divilment Ive said 'hang on a sec I just need to take something off the cooker' and then I dont hang up the handset - meaning I can listen to whats being said outside but the doorbell is disabled because the handset is off the hook. They tend to wander off after a few minutes of discussing the fact Im clearly gone and fruitlessly ringing the silent doorbell.

I stopped answering the door to strangers completely after I had a young female scam artist try to con me on the doorstep who was later arrested for trespassing on the property of a neighbour.
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

Next time the Jevoha Witnesses call, just say "I'm not interested & never will be. Please mark me down as a "do not call".
They mark you down on their street plan & you don't get bothered again.

Unless they operate differently here, of course, in which case you could lob a few slices of black pudding out the window at them.
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

..try answering the door when they call holding a freshly decapitated black rooster in your hands-that should do the trick..

Answer the door naked with a huge big smile.
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

My father’s solution to this problem was to talk to two of them for almost two hours while he was servicing his car. One of them could not take standing for so long and collapsed (we think they are semi starved as per mode of operandi of various cults) and had to be carted away.... That was over 20 years ago and no callers since. :rolleyes:
Re: jehovahs: Persistant calling to door and leaving literature: any legal recourse?

My father’s solution to this problem was to talk to two of them for almost two hours while he was servicing his car. One of them could not take standing for so long and collapsed (we think they are semi starved as per mode of operandi of various cults) and had to be carted away.... That was over 20 years ago and no callers since. :rolleyes:

I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness but left a few years ago as I decided I sympathised more with Athieism and Humanism than a belief in a God who is going to let us all run things into the ground before stepping in to show us all how it should be done. Now having been a member for over 20 years I can tell you that they don't operate as a cult (they are a sect certainly), and certainly have no regulations or control over members diets, beyond a proscription over blood (i.e. no blood sausages, i.e. black pudding).

If anyone has any questions I can try to answer them - although I am a few years out of date my family members aren't and I bear no resentments and have no agenda. I just decided that faith weren't for me!
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