H Hilton New Member Messages 2 Monday at 6:03 PM #1 Anyone on here háve luck in insuring said vehicle? Thanks in advance
C ClubMan Registered User Messages 51,036 Monday at 7:04 PM #2 Anything useful here? Japanese Import insurance Ireland Reddit - Google Search
H Harfang Registered User Messages 49 Monday at 10:44 PM #3 The age of the car and the fact it’s a jap import will make it difficult. The age isn’t an issue if it was deemed a classic , say a Porsche of that age could be covered easily on a classic policy. I’d recommend calling a few brokers.
The age of the car and the fact it’s a jap import will make it difficult. The age isn’t an issue if it was deemed a classic , say a Porsche of that age could be covered easily on a classic policy. I’d recommend calling a few brokers.