Is this a record for dentist fees ?

But as you well know , cost is not an indication of quality either ( but cost does give a good indication of PROFITS!!) .

Always watch out wherever the notion of profits is treated with disdain, as above. In the long run, quality will not exist without profits. Equally, profits will not exist without quality.

Don't cod yourself that the dentists charging paddy prices in Krakow, South Africa etc are not making handsome profits relative to their cost base.
Got Root Canal (3 Roots) done yesterday. Originally for 3 its meant to be E850 but because i payed in full there&then got charged E750. I wanted to start bartering then ;-) It is shockin though but its the price of not looking after 1's teeth :-(
Dentists do seem to charge quite a bit. One interesting site for comparing dentist fees is, ( [broken link removed] ) Though because it is a wiki, it is probably only as reliable as wikipedia.
ok, since all the people here seem to be experts and well tested visitors of dentists... I'm looking for a recommendation for a good endothontist. I went to a dentist half a year ago, got a root canal and some work done and he told me that one of my old root canals needed to be redone as the root wasn't properly filled (he showed me the x-rays and I could actually see what he meant). So now, low and behold, the tooth is starting to act up and I need to go and see a specialist. He told me the tooth had to be re-rooted (if that term exists). I am wondering, do I need a referal, or can I just go to a specialist - I don't want to pay 50 Euro just for a letter saying i need to go an see one.... And coming to the point - does anyone have recommendations on one - in Dublin that is.
My first (and last) experience with Irish dentists started September 2006 when I developed an abcess on a molar. The pain was excruciating and I called every dentist in North Kerry, only to be given waiting times of 2 weeks and more. I finally, in desperation, did a sit-in at one dentist's office and refused to leave until I was seen. The abcess was diagnosed and I called a specialist in Cork to do the root canal. I was luckily seen within 2 days due to a cancellation, otherwise I would have waited 2 months. The treatment was first class BUT it took me over a year to have ONE tooth done, from root canal to crown. I travelled 2 x to Cork and 3 x to Limerick (4 hours and 3 hours round-trips respectively) and I paid EUR 2300 for one tooth.

I have since found out that treatment in London is 30% cheaper, in Germany 50% and heaven knows how much cheaper in Hungary. Another tooth is starting to twinge and I'm now looking for a dentist abroad.
I have since found out that treatment in London is 30% cheaper, in Germany 50% and heaven knows how much cheaper in Hungary. Another tooth is starting to twinge and I'm now looking for a dentist abroad.

Kerry to London, Hungary or Germany with a molar abcess would be a rather unpleasant flight, to say the least. Also an expensive one, unless you're happy to book weeks in advance before your appointment date (not likely).
There are a few dentists in Listowel and they seem to be pretty booked up. Same with GPs by the way - although I live in Listowel, I registered with a doctor in Athea which is a good 20min away. Simply because I couldn't get registered in Listowel... Talking about shortage of services - I heard recently that for a mammogramm to be done, I'll have to travel to Cork. I'll have a few years until then, but still - 4 hours roundtrip for a 15min procedure?

Re flying abroad with a sore tooth: I was so high on strong painkillers, I was flying anyway :) No difference there lol
Today I paid €145 for an x-ray and clean.

Finally got the courage to go to a dentists!
Wow, sounds like it pays to shop around within Ireland as well. I paid EUR 90 for an x-ray and clean last week.
got a crown two years ago for 150 euro well pleased never had a moments problem with it and people cannot tell the real from the fake,shop around.
currently in dublin city centre until weekend. No way i can get to my dentist down the country before weekend as on training course which I just cannot leave. Have slight/suspect it will get worse as day goes on abcess on my gum.
Can someone recommend a dentist or clinic in city centre that would see me quickly and also an idea of cost.