Is there any way to offset CGT on rental property sale?


Registered User
Hi ,
Is there any way to offset CGT on rental property sale? Liability will be 75k.
Is there any investment scheme or tax saving scheme to consider ? or is just a case of writing the check and forgetting about it.
I am a PAYE worker, Family home only other property owned.

Thanks for any info
Other than the small indexation on your base cost(s) there's nothing to offset the tax due on the gain

As others have said, if you have any unrealised losses (Eircom shares, BOI/AIB shares etc.) then now is the time to realise them because any losses in 2025 cannot be carried backwards to gains in 2024 as losses can only be utilised in current year or carried forward
I bought the house in 1999, So am I goosed ?
Is there any way to offset CGT on rental property sale? Liability will be 75k.
I wouldn't call a c. €150k net capital gain being goosed.
Other than the small indexation on your base cost(s) there's nothing to offset the tax due on the gain
FYI on this: