I have a longterm illness for which I take daily meds. I asked the pharmacist for 3 months supply the other day and when I collected the prescription there were 3 DPS receipts in the bag each for €29. If my memory serves me correclty I used to collect 3 months supply and be charged approximantly €50. I think she has put in 3 seperate 'transactions' for 3 seperate months so I have been charged the dispensing fee 3 times over. Anyone know if my assumption is correct?
tia - just don't get the way pharmacies charge for drugs...
Charging full whack for multiple months supplies is not unusual. Boots, Pure and Lloyds offer no discounts.
The independent pharmacies will normally offer you a discount.
As others have pointed out, DPS works on a monthly basis. So you can only get one months supply on DPS.
I'm not sure it's legal under the DPS rules to give more than one month supply except in exceptional circumstances.
Have a look at the receipt, I guessing that under the scheme type it will be "Private Script".
This means that it's not DPS and the pharmacists can charge whatever they like.
When you ordered 3 months supply you have legitimate expectation that you will get one supply and not three
based on your past experience "I used to collect 3 months supply and be charged approximately €50."
I think you can bring back the receipts and quote the PSI's code of conduct and they should refund the €37 difference.
The PSI's code of conduct has seven very hifalutin principals.
I'd reckon your pharmacist failed at least 6 of them with this transaction
Put the Patient First: No, It's costing you more.
Act Professionally: No, should have asked you why you wanted 3 months and explained that it would cost three times the monthly cost.
Communicate Effectively: No, should have asked you why you wanted 3 months and explained that it would cost three times the monthly cost
Work With Others: ?
Show Leadership: No, this is shabby at best.
Maintain Competence: No, this is incompetence.
Be Open and Honest No, should have asked you why you wanted 3 months
If they refuse I'd threaten to complain to the PSI.
Don't complain about the price that's outside their scope.
Complain about the lack of proper professional, competent, open and honest communication.
Good luck,Let us know how you get on.