POV: I work as an engineer, and have frequently been the only woman in a (large) meeting, have never yet had an issue with discrimination, although sometimes I will do it to myself eg. flip my hair and ask if any of the big strong boys will carry the pump for me - everyone has a laugh and the job gets done without me straining my back.
However on pay parity... study after study shows that women are behind the curve with pay. I can't provide personal details as people are so cagey with hourly rates etc.
On childcare/ work life balance... haven't come to this crux yet but in general the paternity leave seems to be quite good, just that men tend not to take full advantage of it. Would I take time out to pop sprogs? Certainly. Afterward I'd prefer to stagger my work hours and work 4 10-hour days to manage child care. I think Ireland could take a leaf in general from Europe with regard to flexible working arrangements for both parents. Childcare is a society-wide issue, not just a feminist one.
Women not interested in finance? Come off it. Most households that I know of (personal poll) women organise the budget and day-to-day spend split, whereas savings, investments, mortgages would be discussed jointly.