Probably political. Didn't want to run the rock of being perceived to be giving a freebie to 'rich' investors.I wonder are they worried about a run on bank deposits?
I can’t think of any technical reason why these changes couldn’t be introduced in a single finance bill.
We all know that, but do politicians know that, and do they believe the electorate know that?Rich investors don't pay 41% exit tax!
I wonder are they worried about a run on bank deposits?
So looks like pascal Donohue has been talking out of both sides of his mouth. At European level he wants a single rules based system for every country to make it easy for companies to access capital from stock markets like in us, on the other side of his mouth he has been defending the unique deemed disposal regime in Ireland which is contrary to everything in that article about European capital markets.Looks like all the government talk of discontinuing with deemed disposal and 41% tax started with EU instruction to make investing more accessible.
It’s probably just as well the EU want this, as presumably government are expected to see it through (assuming FG/FF return after the GE). Otherwise it might never happen.
How can Europe tap into trillions worth of hidden funds?
When EU officials travelled to Washington recently, the US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell showed them a chart showing American productivity over a 40-year period compared to European
Pascal always struck me as someone the civil service would describe as 'a pleasure to work with'.So looks like pascal Donohue has been talking out of both sides of his mouth. At European level he wants a single rules based system for every country to make it easy for companies to access capital from stock markets like in us, on the other side of his mouth he has been defending the unique deemed disposal regime in Ireland which is contrary to everything in that article about European capital markets.
In the light of European moves to make investing in European capital much more streamlined I'm beginning to think that revenue removing their clarification about us domiciled ETFs being taxed differently and more beneficialy than European (irish domiciled) for Irish investors was an embarrassment for the government and that was the real reason this clarification was removed without really changing anything. The 1 trillion invested in Irish domiciled ETFs which consist largely of us companies by us financial funds is the Achilles heel for the government and this needs to be hammered home
NoHas there been any update on this?
YesIs the new government going to make any changes?
He will mostly likely be Minister for Finance again in 2027 when the position of Taoiseach rotates.Chambers if I'm not mistaken was the only politician to publicly advocate for the report (before the election). I note he's no longer Minister for Finance.
Donohue announced the review. McGrath followed that up. Chambers is taking the credit.
It was McGrath who announced it, you may have more insight though on what happened ahead of that?as he set the ball rolling in the first place.
In fairness to Mattie, he did write to Paschal about Life Assurance Exit Tax in 2018 and was told that that DoF officials were examining the tax treatment of Life Assurance Exit Tax and DIRT with a view to allowing Paschal to consider the issue in the context of Budget 2019.
It was Paschal that announced the review by a working group in Budget 2023.