Is Revenue very slow in responding these days?

I know I originally posted this over 2 years ago but from the limited interactions I have had with ROS and a few people I know who have tried the service isn't getting any better. In February of this year I asked a question I had been asked... simply if the rent payable to a landlord was allowable as an expense against Airbnb income.. I followed up 3 times and after 5 months i got the following reply

"Dear Sir/Madam,
Please see link below for allowable expenses"

And the link was broken (but didn't answer the question clearly anyway as I had already read it)..

It's farcical I think. Now don't get me wrong whenever I do need to talk to someone in Revenue I find them very helpful but they specifically request that people use MyEnquiries but then don't seem to actually make sure that it is the most efficient way to contact them.
I think thats so farcical and just unnaceptable.

Does the c&ag have remit over revenue?

Is there any oversight or watchdog where complaints can be made.

Complaints to dept of finance, minister, tds?

Can anyone hold them account when it comes to basic customer service.
This may or may not be relevant to this issue - but in recent times a whole raft of so called "family friendly" work policies have been introduced. I don't have time to list them all but this one is the most recent:

This is just a hunch - based on my experience as a former Civil Servant - but I suspect these measures may be having an effect on staffing levels in some Government Departments. I would suggest that public servants are much more likely to avail of these than those in the private sector.

There is definitely an ongoing shortage of staff in a lot of Government Departments and there have been recruitment and retainment difficulties.

Just to add - the Civil Service working week was reduced by the equivalent of a full day per month (12 days annually) in 2022. Yes it was a roll-back on the "FEMPI" measures introduced after the crash 15 years or so ago - but surely it's had an effect on productivity?