is our cash safer under the mattress ?

Buy some gold coins and paint them copper. Mix them in among some other foreign worthless coins.


your opinions most welcome
Yip, moved my few bob from bank to An Post!!! But now that the Govt (sorry, that should have been a 'small' g ) has pledged MY cash to bail out the Fat-Cats I'm considering taking CASH. Cash is King, but where is my King-Size Mattress? A word of warning!! Do NOT hold CASH at home in these lean times. Any FORT KNOX ideas out there?
How about our Ex Taoiseach and Minster for finance's favourite spot ;
- An old sock in the hotpress
is our cash safer under the mattress ?

If its hot it'll save investing in an electric blanket for the winter, although if its too hot you may get your *** burned.