Is NAMA bailing out private pension schemes?


Registered User
When NAMA takes over the bad loans from the banks, it is likely their share price will continue to rise. I'm not familar with private pension schemes but I would have thought banks were always seen as a safe option and many of these schemes have probably invested heavily in bank shares.
Is NAMA (the taxpayer) basically taking a big risk to the benefit of private pension holders?

I'm just wondering if there are a lot of people that may have little faith in NAMA working but are happy to see it proceed for this reason.
The tax payer is taking a big risk for the benefit of all bank shareholders.

This includes pension schemes, managed funds and other private shareholders. ( I personally am in all three categories).

That is why Nationalisation is needed. So that the tax payer gets the possibiltiy of a return on the risk that they are taking.
