But that is to miss the point entirely. We know the wealthiest are hoarding wealth off-shore in complex tax avoidance schemes etc.
Its the level of that hoarding that is now coming to the fore in the form of the middle class struggling to keep apace with the cost of living. It is being felt in the US, UK, Ireland, across Europe etc.
It doesnt matter how much you have stashed away, if things keep going the way they are, it'll be worth nothing if, as the author of the article states "the pitchforks are coming".
Thats obviously a metaphor for social unrest, but in real terms, a collapse of the euro for instance could cause extreme social unrest through rising inflation. A lot of wealthy people could see their wealth wiped out. Some will no doubt gain from it, but if you were a billionaire would you be prepared to take your chances? Not knowing in what form social unrest will take place? Who will be in charge? Whether or not it would be your assets seized or not.
Alternatively, if incomes were to start to rise, any potential social unrest could be thwarted.