For a feel of the rates, feel free to look up the interbank rate on the 24th ($1.42 afaik) and compare to what I got $1.40. So I typed in (e.g.) $150 and it deducted roughly €107 from my account.
There is also a limited currency calculator on your account management options. When you have selected your account, underneath the "Nickname Change" button you will see "Currency Calculator". It only converts from Euros which is a fat lot of good if your invoice is in a foreign currency! Also it seems to be limited to €5000 for some bizarre reason (given that there is a much higher limit for a transfer that seems strange).
On the details disappearing while logging in, I think it is because the page hasn't fully loaded at that point even if it looks like it is, waiting an extra moment before entering details has paid off for me!