Is it now time to introduce water rates?

Thanks for the response. It seems generally agreed that charges would be a good idea, with a small volume initially free per individual. It also seems agreed that the work of installing meters etc should not be carried out by the local authorities (Too costly)but by private companies (Who usually work for their money). I would not mind paying either and cannot see why it should be free. I am not on mains and my home supply costs me at least €500 per year to maintain.
I thought Brian Lenihan said in the budget that water charges were coming in 2011 (or at least would be announced in the budget at the end of this year). Not sure where I read it, but I understood that everyone would get a "credit" for a certain amount of water and then get charged for anything used over and above that. In addition, people with their own private supply which they maintain themselves ( and I grew up on a farm where that happened and it could be very expensive) would be exempt from the charges

I was listening to the radio last week (Drivetime), can't remember who was on from the councils but he said that one of the main reasons for burst pipes in the recent cold spell was developers who did not bury pipes deep enough in line with required standards. If that is true, then it is another mess the developers have contributed to and another example of regulations not being enforced in this country and the taxpayer picking up the bill
I thought Brian Lenihan said in the budget that water charges were coming in 2011 (or at least would be announced in the budget at the end of this year). Not sure where I read it, but I understood that everyone would get a "credit" for a certain amount of water and then get charged for anything used over and above that. In addition, people with their own private supply which they maintain themselves ( and I grew up on a farm where that happened and it could be very expensive) would be exempt from the charges

I was listening to the radio last week (Drivetime), can't remember who was on from the councils but he said that one of the main reasons for burst pipes in the recent cold spell was developers who did not bury pipes deep enough in line with required standards. If that is true, then it is another mess the developers have contributed to and another example of regulations not being enforced in this country and the taxpayer picking up the bill
Water rates? A new rip-off stealth tax that would be used (abused) by the current government for anything but supplying an adequate water supply!
Every citizen has the right to free, clean and safe water provided, not through private companies, but accountable public utilities. Water should be paid for through general taxation, not in the form of a regressive stealth tax!
I hear that in some european countries that they assume that the volume of waste coming from the house is same as volume of water metered in... allowing them to charge for waste water as well as mains water.... Yet another tax which i assume is on way here.

Ridiculous that they intend to charge for water here given the volume of water wasted thru leakage. Non intrusive technology to detect water leakage exists. They have no excuses... fix the leaks, save the money and dont apply any more stealth taxes

Can you please try not to take important threads off topic or at least start a new topic for a separate issue - especially if it's an issue which is discussed at nauseam on askaboutmoney.

I have moved the should we privatise the supply to a separate thread.
Let's stop kidding ourselves here. This Water Caper is another form of TAX and monies from it will find their way to Central Funds for more mispending by this government. We have water everywhere unlike any of the countries in the Mediterranean area.

But, I will bet that water will become more expensive in Ireland (per household) than in Spain.
I was listening to the radio last week (Drivetime), can't remember who was on from the councils but he said that one of the main reasons for burst pipes in the recent cold spell was developers who did not bury pipes deep enough in line with required standards. If that is true, then it is another mess the developers have contributed to and another example of regulations not being enforced in this country and the taxpayer picking up the bill

They're right, it's "one" of the reasons. There were some new developments that suffered. But it's not the main reason otherwise how would Baggot Street be cut off yesterday considering there's been no new developments (damned those Georgian developers!).

In ordinary circumstances the LAs have admited that close to 50% of water is lost through leaks. That's nothing to do with developers.

I hear that in some european countries that they assume that the volume of waste coming from the house is same as volume of water metered in... allowing them to charge for waste water as well as mains water.... Yet another tax which i assume is on way here.

Ridiculous that they intend to charge for water here given the volume of water wasted thru leakage. Non intrusive technology to detect water leakage exists. They have no excuses... fix the leaks, save the money and dont apply any more stealth taxes

The general idea is that what goes in must come out, so it's usually calculated on the same volume, but the charges are different, however, the householder gets one bill. The most expensive charges are in Germany, where it's about €200 per year. I cannot see any reason why the charges here should be that expensive given the size and scale of operations.

I think the exception to this system though is some industries that have their sewage/foul metered. But that's where they have a licence for liquid industrial waste going to foul rather than all circumstances.

I'd agree that there's a lot more that needs to be done with the supply and contamination issues long before we're expected to pay.
The income would also be huge which could be then used to repair our leaking mains system and update sewage treatment plants.

hmmmm yeah just like ALL our motor tax is put into the repairing and upkeep of the roads....