Is it appropriate that the leader of the Western world is a smoker?

You really haven't being paying attention, have you :D ?

In addition to nicotene, he's also under pressure to give up his Blackberry which, if the media are to be believed, is a greater addiction for him.

Personally I would ban blackberrys anyway for anyone who isn't travelling on work related business. Have one myself and am constantly getting in trouble for not responding to e-mails in the evenings or when I am on holidays! Can never understand someone who responds to a non-urgent e-mail from a beach somewhere or at some ridiculous hour.

I thought the secret service had said he can't have one because they are not secure enough. I wish I had that excuse!
I remeber reading that Michelle only let him run for president if he gave them up.

I was suprised he smoked tbh and was in a sense relieved as up to that he seemed to good to be true.
Did anyone object to Brian Cowen because he's a smoker ?

I find it hard to believe that someone should be discriminated against in this day & age because of smoking.

Yes, I'm a smoker. I'm a healthy, active, intelligent woman. I don't smoke in my house or anybody elses or in company where it would cause offense. I don't litter. I'm a very responsible citizen but I do like the odd cigarette. Am I a criminal ??

Yes, I will give them up one day but only when I decide. Nobody in the world but me can make that decision & the same goes for Obama.

As somebody earlier said it's good to know he's human. He seemed almost too perfect !

Another thing....I don't see the American tobacco companies looking for a bail out. Perhaps the revenues come in handy !
If he does a good job then who care a jot whether he smokes or not?

He's an adult, he can do what he wants.
It might even be a good thing, the last lad was a reformed addict and see what trouble we got from him.