By what reasoning would the free market not keep BSE out of the system? If a farmer's herd is infected, it will have to be killed off meaning a major loss and possible bankruptcy. Therefore there is every incentive to ensure that the herd does not get infected.
Allow me to jump in here in relation to the free market.
My recollection is that the Irish herd got infected by Mad Cow disease because rogue prions from sheeps brains infected wth Scrapey were not purged from animal feed imported from England.
Why anyone ever thought that feeding animal carcassed to herbivores was a good idea in the first place was a good idea has never been properly explained to me - is it some "Green" thing?
The prions remained in the feed because of a british government relaxation of regulations that allowed the meal to be processed at 70 degrees C instead of a higher, purging temperature.
This cheap feed was offered to the Irish "free market" and the market reacted on a price basis without discretion being employed.
This resulted in the disastrous PR for the National Herd and Irish farming.
Some free market principels being applied without judgement.
You see the same thing in the building industry at the moment where contractors are apparently cutting their own throats to get jobs, pressuring for up front payments, then going bust.
Blindly following "deals" in the free market is not good business sense.
If it looks too good ot be true, it usually is.
Some architecrural practices are keeping going against all the odds in the middle of a recession because they don't depend on their professional work for some of their yearly income.
The operation of the unregulated free market means you're going to end up looking at; -
- products not fit for purpose
- below cost selling leading to bankruptcy and
- subsidised prices in some sectors of the services market.
all in the private sector.
Its not enough relying on the law to offer "remedies" to fatal deseases.
This isn't something relatively minor that could "upset" you, like a worm in a bottle.
BSE and the human equivalent is a sentence far worse than death and no perps have paid a penalty.
It was eminently forseeable that improperly processing animal feed for cows could lead to problems, who paid the price?
You need regulation and monitoring and testing especially in anything relating to the human food chain and you need severe enforced penalties.
Believing in the free market is like taking things on trust - it creates a fertile breeding ground for criminal activity.
Any market needs regulation and oversight to protect consumers.
To return to the topic for a moment [Shock! Horror!] I believe Ireland and the world will benefit from a tax on the over the counter/derivatives market - let it be the price for it remaining unregulated.
Otherwise it should be regualated AND taxed - even just taxing it will take a lot of the speculation out of the market and dampen the wilder market oscillations.
The money can go from the very rich [the speculators] to pay for the government debts bailing out the banks and take it off the shoulders of Joe Taxpayer.
These unregulated gits have had it too good for far too long - just look at the figures we're talking about here.
$14,000,000,000,000,000 market value per annum and rising.
I have to check that again to make sure the "0"'s are right.
Not Fourteen Million Dollars = $14,000,000
Not Fourteen Billion Dollars = $14,000,000,000 (American Billions, heh)
Not Fourteen Trillion Dollars = $14,000,000,000,000.
Fourteen Quadrillion Dollars = $14,000,000,000,000,000
Fifteen zeros "0"'s after the figure amount.
Totally unmonitored
That's some free market y'got there, boi!