Z, Nick Leeson, John Rusnek, Merton Scholes, Jerome Kerviel - are you sure the pros/Nobel Prize winners have an edge?
I said a few of them and did not say for a long term

Pros are fighting between themselves. Around 80% of market is traded by pros. Every year different pros (or funds) may win but not consistently.
If you have 10000 fund managers and each of them are throwing the coin (as somebody will beat the market index and somebody will loose) then 50% will beat the market this year. Next year it is 25% and after 10 years you will have 10 find managers (pros) who will beat the market after 10 years.
Is this luck or knowledge is hard to judge but the history shows that it is more luck as there are so many examples these Nobel and other smartest guys lost money in 11 year or whatever year
I used to wonder how someone a wet week out of university could earn massive bonuses as a trader.
They are all playing with our money. It is easy to be fund manager or trader when you are trading with somebody else's money for crazy management fees. I think we do not have enough jails for these guys.
I had a few ideas but as shown below I am not so sure they are still valid:
1. They had the economies of scale of trading on behalf of huge institutions.
Seems to me that with FSB I have very similar costings even maybe an edge as my deals will never be refused whereas large deals might have to compromise.
They are brokers (or bookies) so they put the bet in the middle so they earn money from the spread and from the interest of borrowing money.
It is hard for them to loose if they are not taking the bet themselves (e.g. not hedging or having crap prices)
2. Access to sophisticated technical analysis.
The charting tools that are available on FSB seem very sophisticated to me.
I believe they will start giving 10% back of losses just to have you on board

For them it is the winning game as for all brokers. Once they start trading themselves they may go out of the game.
3. Access to Nobel Prize winners.
Not convinced this is a huge edge.
It is better edge then what you and me are having.
We have almost nothing. Struggling to backtest our buy&hold theory based on the futures. They can test such thing overnight.
If somebody is reading our posts they may be laughing.
The problem with them is they are fighting themselves, big pros with all that massive computer and intelectual power.
For me this is no win game.
But I will be better then majority of this active managers as I will be passive and invested in long term buy&hold that will give me the profit as the index I am tracking.
4. Ability to balance a phone on each shoulder.
With the internet this is now a redundant skill.
Believe me, still if you have 1M to buy something you will call the broker as he can buy you things much cheaper.
I have seen on the brokerage SW recently somebody bought 200M of City stocks in around 10 seconds filled.
5. Nerve to wear red braces.
This is what put me off going into trading myself. But with FSB you can operate from the privacy of your own home, in polka dotted underpants if you chose.
Internet is like the new member of your house. You spend your money with 1 click of mouse (e.g. buying book).
Or even gamble the money so easy (investing of course).