Perhaps more creedence should be given to the Current Buyers and to fairness? The Current Buyers have had their bid accepted, if they are gazumped at this stage how is that fair to them? Also, the OP could then pull out of the sale at any time they like too.
I find your advice on all fours with the beggar my neighbour attitude that led the economy to where it is now, it's all me, me, me.
Wow - what a ridiculous post - go back and re-read what I said.
I was posting the situation from 4 different viewpoints.
Nowhere did I mention that you should beggar your neighbour.
I said that buying a house (when it gets down to the business end of money & contracts) should be dealt with as a business transaction.
There are consequences - I was weighing up the consequences from a risk/reward point of view from each perspective.
The point you seem to be missing is that it would not be the OP doing the gazumping - that is the decision for the seller. They would have to weigh up the consequences from both a fairness
btw : the economy ended up where it is as a result of policy decisions taken by both government and the financial institutions and financial decisions taken
by individuals based on emotion and not on a sound financial basis.