Is a Line Break Always Inserted to Begin a New Paragraph..??

Joanne said:
It was 'Word'.

What I mean though is which is the "correct" way to write paragraphs? Not necessarily with 'Word' though.

If someone was being type to type in typing school on an old fashioned typewriter, so no 'Word' documents or other software etc. Would they be taught to place a space between each paragraph as in example one, or would they also be taught that example two is also a correct way of typing?

In my experience, it is best in Word, especially for formal documents and newsletters etc., it is usual to only insert one paragraph mark (as opposed to line break which is ASCII) between paragraphs, but to have the Body Text or whatever paragraph style is used (some style other than Normal) formatted with leading spaces e.g. 6 point.

This makes it easier to tweak paragraphs and spacing as as sometimes necessary, and makes it easier to use the Keep Paragraph with Next and Keep Lines Together properties to properly control your text flow, rather than manually doing it with multiple paragraph marks.

Just my 10c worth.
I was taught typing in school on a really old banger of a typewriter and we put a space between each paragraph. We never indented a paragraph either. A colleague of mine indents every single paragraph and I personally think it looks awful.