Irresponsible dog owners

It is worse putting it in a plastic bag and dumping the plastic bag. If they just left it, it would be scattered by assorted boots and shoes, blue bottles and rain.
Picture tells the story - this is a perfect location to place a dog collection poo bin...
It's absolutely vile, these are the same irresponsible individuals who leave their dogs off leads who then attack my dog.

They get terribly upset when I threaten to even the pitch and remove his muzzle and lead.

You know the type, when brought to book for their behaviour they start their defence with that ridiculous American affectation " seriously, are you serious right now?"

Next time it happens I'm letting Rommel off his lead and muzzle
We have two dogs. We walk them every day (minimum 3.2kms). We clean up the dogs’ poo always. I have no figures for the amount of people who do no clean up after their dog(s), but I suspect it is much higher than many think.

Somebody suggested dog poo boxes should be supplied by the local council. Definitely wrong - dog poo should be cleaned up into eco friendly plastic bags and dumped at home.

But, many don’t want to place the bagged poo in the boot of their car so they dispose of it when they suspect nobody is looking. Consequently, our streets are littered by black, green, red, yellow plastic bags containing dog poo. Near our house are several greenways which have the trees decorated with an assortment of used plastic dog poo bags hanging like baubles on a Christmas tree.

We bring a minimum of four bags when walking ours, but once I feared that the dogs were going to “perform” again and so I asked seven other dog walkers to give me a spare bag. Not one of them had even a bag for their dogs. I learnt a valuable lesson that evening - most dog walkers don’t care a whit.

Since, when I see people pretending to care for dogs while they have their mobile phones to their ears and if their dog “performs” I challenge them firmly but without aggression. If they ignore me, I then use my mobile phone to take relevant pics.

It is a serious matter and dog walkers/minders must take responsibility for the shortcomings of other so called dog lovers.

I do and so should you.
News a few days ago...

Many owners of XXL Bulldogs are getting rid of them in advance of the upcoming ban.
Responsible owners are taking them to a vet and having their dog euthanised.
Irresponsible owners are abandoning their dogs. A hungry XXL Bulldogs is extra dangerous and some of these are likely to be roaming wild.
Somebody suggested dog poo boxes should be supplied by the local council. Definitely wrong - dog poo should be cleaned up into eco friendly plastic bags and dumped at home.
There's an argument that says they should as they collect the dog licence fee.

I'd prefer if we could have the option of a hygenic compostable container for dog poo. When you get home the poo goes down the foul water drain / sewer / septic tank and the container goes in the compost bin or heap.
Next time it happens I'm letting Rommel off his lead and muzzle
Please don't. There are idiots out there who are prejudiced against large dogs because of the name of the breed. "Oh how turrible, how awful, how vicious, how irresponsible of you. They should be banned." Despite knowing zip, diddly-squat, nahin, about dogs, big or small, they seem to become experts once they hear the breed.

They want all dogs trained. I wouldn't argue against that, but they don't seem to understand that a dog trainer puts as much into training the human as the dog, because it's the relationship that's important.

I'm a large breed lover and former owner of Rottweilers. I lost two to cancer and one to osteo-arthritis. I've a female Heinz terrier, neutered. She's outlived two Rottweiler brothers.

All my dogs have been rescues / rehomes. At one private rehoming, the owners, who had to emigrate for work, approached me to take their dog as they knew I was a Rottie lover. I had to ask the original owners to leave their beloved dog alone with me as they were in floods of tears on the day and the poor dog was visibly upset. I'd visited a few times and taken him for walks, gradually getting to know each other.

Once again because of a few bad owners we seem to be on the brink of blindly classifying certain breeds as dangerous and banning other breeds outright. Legislators, decision-makers, look at the other end of the lead if you want to locate the source of most of the problems, including the poo.
More said in jest, wouldn't do so as wouldn't be pretty if he was bitten . These dogs attacking tend to be poodles both large and small, with delusions of size. Romell is an agreeable sort (German Shepherd) and rarely pays them much attention.
Local council put in a number of Poo collection bins where I live and they have made a difference, you still get morons who ignore it + people who just open the door and let their dog out to do their business on their own but it has improved the issuue
But, many don’t want to place the bagged poo in the boot of their car

I hadn't thought of that. It might be different where I walk as people don't really drive there to walk their dogs. But people do walk to the seafront and there are bins there.
One of the Magoo households bafflements for sure. Disposing of filled poo-bags on paths, trees, walls, cracks in walls, other peoples bins (green, black or brown).
We walk quite a lot in our area and saw a car the other day parked at the side of the road. The car had a 'Dog Lover' sticker on the back screen and some passerby decided to attach their filled dog-poo bag to the rear wiper blade.
Don't get me started on the citizens who drive their household rubbish to a different neighbourhood and leave it on the road or beside a public bin or in a recycling centre. As for tags and graffiti, I think I need to lie down for a while.
But what’s the particular appeal of this location. It’s not unusual to see Pooh bags discarded but this level of concentration is remarkable.

Two things as far as I can see.

1) There is a flood gate which is open almost all the time. So people throw rubbish behind it out of site. So they have just gotten used to getting rid of their rubbish there and don't care where it lands.

2) Here is the specific location


So it's a bit out of sight. There are walls on either side. They have passed the houses on Railway Cottages so no one is looking out at them or they have walked along the Dodder and just turned onto this path so they can see that they are not being seen?
Thanks Brendan, thanks DCC.

Friends and club teammates went to Marian; a schoolmate, a school and club teammate lived close to Railway Cottages; a long-term girlfriend's brother went to Marian. Thanks to his phone call I got to see her before she died in hospital, aged 43. She'd asked for me.

I hate to think of any area being used as a dump by selfish, uncaring dog owners but that area holds special memories for me.
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