Were none of the rental houses purchased by returning expats from abroad? Or by immigrants? Or by a recently divorced/separated man who previously was living in the family home? Or by a singleton or couple who were living in their parents/in laws house while saving for a deposit? Or by a singleton who was renting a bedroom in a four bedroom house and is now occupying the new house as a single person???
Its a bit naive assuming that 10 renters bought 10 houses and all is right with the world. What about renters house sharing who don't have the means to purchase a house? Or newly qualified college graduates moving to Dublin to work for the first time, where will they house share now the rental sector is gone? This isn't a zero sum game where all losses are gains on the other side. There are losers, big time there are, and it's all on the tenants in the futures side. Seeing as SF rehtoric and threats for landlords are exaccerbating the problem for renters, who are as a result ironically enough turning to support SF, it stands to reason that SF will be able to solve the problem when they are in government. Turkeys voting for Xmas of sorts.
Let's hope for the sake of the economy and the renters of the future, that there's another option to institutional REITS charging €3500 for a 3 bed apartment.