Hi Duke
I am one of the most vocal supporters of his proposals so I am not making any gratuitous swipes at him or at the scheme.
He has a radical proposal which strikes many people as too good to be true. That worries them.
Not everyone will read everything written about this. Not everyone who reads it will understand it.
I sense that any questioning of the scheme irritates Colm. And this turns off people from even considering it.
In particular, he needs to stop discouraging those of us who support the scheme from discussing it in case we get attacked.
He needs to welcome all criticisms with the political " Good question - let me deal with that..." Privately he might be rolling his eyes to heaven, and that is fine.
I just checked my summary of his scheme and there was a good respectful discussion of it - in the first page at least. I assume it continued.
I nearly wept this morning, hearing Regina Doherty on RTE with Rachel English, going over old ground of people having to decide whether they want to be low, medium or high risk; what happens if markets tumble on the day people retire; the carousel (probably one of the most ridiculous concepts...
But he has failed to persuade the civil servants. I don't think he has got the Pensions Council (?) on board. I am frustrated by that as I am frustrated by civil servants and politicians to see the merits of my proposals which are blindingly obvious to me. The problem is that there is no urgency on my proposals. they will be adopted eventually. Colm faces a deadline and if he misses it, it will be very hard to ever implement it
So, I think that Colm needs to sit back and ask himself - what is stopping people seeing the light and how can I help them see the light?