There is no way to stop this virus. No scientific proof that masks work, no cure, no likely vaccine. A horrendous lockdown, unending. And worst of all our children living this hell. With total economic chaos to come.
all social interaction outside of individual households would stop the virus but that is in no way practical. But limiting social activity does
limit the spread of the virus. It then comes down to what level of limitation is practical and acceptable.
We do not have a "horrendous lockdown" now, although we do still have considerable limitation on social and economic life. There is no imminent vaccine. But there is hope for a vaccine but not before next year - as least that is what the medical and scientific experts tell us and I am inclined to put more faith in them. In the meantime there is hope for improving treatments.
If we do not limit the spread of the virus the health service will become overrun with increasing numbers. Apart from more deaths there is increasing evidence that a yet unknown proportion of those who recover from the initial infection will have some level of on-going impairment of function.
Leaving health aside, if the spread of the virus is not contained the schools will not re-open (or will partially or fully close again) and much of the economic life that has resumed will be shuttered again.
I think some level of curtailment in non-essential social and recreational life over the coming months is worth it for the greater societal good. Better to have an ongoing restricted level of social life than another lockdown.
To say that there is no scientific evidence that masks work is nonesense. Why on earth do doctors, nurses and other medical professionals wear them? There is more of a question of the degree to which they work in ordinary social life - probably not to the same extent. But the professional consensus now is that they do add a significantly worthwhile level of protection, especially in enclosed spaces or where distancing is not possible. (Perhaps your paper to the contrary has not as yet fed into the scientific literature?

). No one is suggesting that masks protect every individual in every circumstance but if, as the scientists now say, they help curtail the overall level of spread of infection, then I think that is worthwhile.