Irish Life responded to my email. This is there response.
"In relation to your query, part of your overall investment is invested in the Technology QLD fund and therefore the overall value of your plan will be affected by all 3 funds that you are invested in.However, not all of your investment would be impacted by the index i.e. if the index is up by +12% this is does not mean that the value of your plan will increase by that percentage. As requested I conducted an asset split to determine what exactly the Technology QLD fund is invested in and I found that the only asset it is invested in is the NASDAQ 100 E-Mini. In order to provide you with an idea on how the Technology QLD fund has performed over the month of January I have outlined the different valuations of different pricing dates over that month.
Amount of Units Unit Price Date Value
19,935.92 1.06 02/01/2013 €21,132.07
19,935.92 1.062 10/01/2013 €21,171.94
19,935.92 1.054 18/01/2013 €21,012.45
19,935.92 1.028 31/01/2013 €20,494.12
19,935.92 1.048 20/02/2013 €20,892.85
I would recommend consulting with a financial adviser if you require financial advice in relation to your plan."
Found this index
Im finding it difficult to find out the returns for January for this.
Does anybody know anything about the NASDAQ 100 E-Mini.