I am no economist or financial wizard but the least I expect is to be able to track my investments. I invested in the QLD Technology fund which was supposed to track the Nasdaq. Now I have no idea what im invested in, but the bit that really worrys me is how am I supposed to make money when the market is up and my fund goes down. I appreciate Apple (for example) was down 20% in January but the whole point in investing in a so called Index tracker is that you are diversified in that index. Who's to say Irish life has invested my money in 10 shares from the Nasdaq, Apple being one of them and has a 70% weight. This is not what I want and not what I asked for.!!
PMU said that I should have got a document marked “This is an important document” from Irish Life, I moved house and never got this.
Did we have a choice of funds to transfer our investments into ? My understanding was our funds would be invested in the same type of Irish Life Fund.
If the funds are not the same, thats not good as basically Irish Life can do what they want with our money.
Im interested in what there reply to my last mail will be.
It better make sense or I may lose the plot with them.