Irish Government Bonds for the retail punter

Payday! French 2Y down 80 bps from 2023, spread to Irish yields has probably narrowed if you're considering a rollover? What is/will be your real return over the period?
Matures on 25th Feb. Bought on 20th Nov 2023. Overall return 3.91% equiv 3.1% p.a. As a former Bank Group employee I have oodles of capital losses so I regard this return as effectively tax free.
If you mean by "real" inflation adjusted, I guess I was just running on the spot. :confused:
Are my sums right? Anything else I need to consider?
I get 2.41% p.a. but let's not fight about it. 2.36% p.a. if you have to pay 0.3% commission.
Yes, tax free.
Not sure about "no brainer". I myself preferred TB 27 even though it had a small piece of taxable interest. However, it is now yielding only 1.74% p.a. after 40% tax & USC and 0.3% commission.
Thanks. When you say "0.3% commission" - are you referring to the GoodBody commission mentioned earlier in the thread? I intend to purchase via Degiro so this commission would not apply.
I am considering purchasing the zero coupon bond that matures in 2031 (ISIN: IE00BMQ5JL65) via Degiro.

It is currently trading at 84.945
so that was probably issued in 2021 during height of covid, great for irish government, not great for the bond investor who is now down 15 %, of course you get your money back if you wait until 2031 but 100 euros in 2031 will be worth alot less effectively than 100 euros in 2021 before the big inflation. Just shows you the dangers of supposedly safe government bonds
Thanks. When you say "0.3% commission" - are you referring to the GoodBody commission mentioned earlier in the thread? I intend to purchase via Degiro so this commission would not apply.
Yes, I was referring to GoodBody and 0.3% would be doing well at that. They tell me Degiro do it for buttons. I just found it more comfortable dealing with GB, no real reason for that.