Irish Credit Bureau

daveco23 - my friend said that their investment department had access to the credit agency records in the UK and they went through investments that were made by UK residents, mainly expats addresses, to see if there were any monies owing to other banks in the UK linked to that address. If there were monies owing to that address then an official of the Ireland bank who was supposedly looking after the punter investment would contact a debt collector in the UK to see if they could recover the debt and if was successful they would share what money that was recovered!

I think that this is wrong, as when you have saving in any bank than that is a private matter and details should not be divulge to anyone let along some debt collector in the UK.

Banks in Ireland are in contact with the UK banks all the time and if they get sniff that they can get a hold of some money then they will stop at nothing to get their sticky fingers on it!
Money said:
daveco23 - my friend said that their investment department had access to the credit agency records in the UK and they went through investments that were made by UK residents, mainly expats addresses, to see if there were any monies owing to other banks in the UK linked to that address. If there were monies owing to that address then an official of the Ireland bank who was supposedly looking after the punter investment would contact a debt collector in the UK to see if they could recover the debt and if was successful they would share what money that was recovered!

I think that this is wrong, as when you have saving in any bank than that is a private matter and details should not be divulge to anyone let along some debt collector in the UK.

Banks in Ireland are in contact with the UK banks all the time and if they get sniff that they can get a hold of some money then they will stop at nothing to get their sticky fingers on it!
No disrespect intended, but this sounds like one of those shaggy dog stories to me. Why would the bank bother doing this?
The bank has got your savings and there is no way you can prove that a financial advisor, say maybe that person is one of the 2,000 peoples that the bank is going to get rid of that was recently announced in the new, and therefore will be leaving the bank or going into debt collection or is being offered a cut of what that is recovered from a third party debt collectors in the UK, who is to know with telephone calls there is no notes made of it? Bank advisor do not sign a confidential clause to an investor that they will not divulge what savings the have with them, do they??

I am certain that a bank official told an outside debt collector about details of an account. In the end that BoI advisor became more intimidating that the debt collector?

I was approved a loan last year, the bank gave me it in writing. Because I did not take it immediately they cancelled it, when I phone up after 5 weeks I was told it was not available. Is this recorded as a refusal?
Money said:
I am certain that a bank official told an outside debt collector about details of an account.

It might help us to understand where you are coming from if you explain how you can be so certain of this?
moneyhoney said:
A report in Which magazine said recently that if you shop around for loans then all queries made by banks are recorded on your file with the ICB. Is this true & if so, does it look like all these loans have been refused, as the query was made but then no loan taken?? Worrying if this is the case.

all applications will show up on your file. There is no info regarding refusal or acceptance although if you have been refused a few times or aplied for loans then not taken them up then tis will raise questions from lender. keep in mind that shopping around is ok.Its only when you submit an appliction form then it will show up on ICB

I have deleted your post.

You are an anonymous poster.

Don't use Askaboutmoney to make serious allegations and slanderous comments.

Don't post links to long winded threads without summarising their content and relevance to an Irish financial situation.
I am disappointed that you have deleted my posting all that I was doing was to allert investers in the UK about the BoI position on confidentially and the link was to let them also know the kind of people that they were in contact with. As you have probably see the link was peoples complaints about that particular company's scams to get people to pay them. I could not edit it as it was a link, are you saying that links only have to be of a certain kine.

I understand your guys position in Ireland ie the Bank owns most of you due to the larges mortgage loans that people have with them and obviously want to keep the bank sweet?
Money, if it happened to you personally then try to detail what happened to you personally in a dispassionate way.

Explain how this posed a problem for you. If BoI caused me a problem (they did with a misrepresented Pep in my case ) then I would stick to the issue and detail what happened and how it was resolved (or not) . Most BoI products and BoI staff are very reputable and totally above board but some of what they do ( or omit) amounts to shystering at times .

Explain clearly how you felt YOU (if resident here) were wronged according to the norms of IRISH Data Protection ...if any was applicable in your opinion.

Otherwise if the mods see a rant they will simply delete it especially a rant linked to somewhere else with abigger rant . If you moan away about the mods we will all think you are a moaner and will not pay any attention to any substantive issue that you raise.

Moderated Boards are not democracies :) Way it is, sorry.
Hi, just looking for a bit of info/advice.
I recently applied for a loan with two different financial institutions. In short, the amount of the loan was 10,000 and the purpose was to consolidate other debts. Having gone through the arduous task of getting proof of identity etc. I was declined credit by both banks. I was quite surprised, as I have always made the required repayments on previous borrowings, with the exception of my credit card. I missed a couple of consecutive repayments, but settled the debt with the bank, and paid it in full and closed the account. I applied to the credit bureau to see what was going on and received my report. The only information enclosed was that the 2 banks had contacted them for info about me. but nothing else. I gave them addresses for me for the last 5 years.. Do I need to cal them to receive more info? I'm a bit confused. thanks
How long ago were these borrowings? ICB keeps records for 5 years so anything before then will not show up. When you filled in the ICB enquiry form, did you include current borrowings? Are the institutions you borrowd from registered with ICB?
Hi, yes I included all my borrowings from previous addresses.. The only institution I borrowed from registered with them is AIB. I called the ICB today and they said there was nothing against my name. Will banks tell you why you've been refused for a loan? I can't think of anything else that could be going against me.
If you make a data protection request they will have to reveal the reason for refusal. They will otherwise hide behind a smokescreen of "confidentiality". Making a request under section 4 of the DPA 1988 will compel them to release all the info relating to the application including the reason for refusal.