Ireland Vs France-The French Goal!!

Thanks be to Jaysus!!

Listen, you're a ***** ****** supporter, get on with supporting (somewhere else please) and stop whinging. The swear filter recognises the words ***** ****** as profanity and filters them out - excellent work mods.

Hey I was asked!
Hey I was asked!
I know, but make allowances - people are behaving irrationally after last night's disappointment, noone really cares about ***** ******, apart from your good self.

I've written to FIFA protesting using the link above, but I think we need to do more.

The ref was Swedish so as well as the measures already proposed dare I suggest we impose sanctions on IKEA, Volvo, porn sites featuring lusty blonde Swedish triplets and so on?
The ref was Swedish so as well as the measures already proposed dare I suggest we impose sanctions on IKEA, Volvo, porn sites featuring lusty blonde Swedish triplets and so on?

IKEA I can survive but I draw the line at lusty blonde Swedish triplets. The French can have the World Cup!!

On reflection, I think it was too gobsmacking to be serious. The only serious aspect of it was that I almost choked on my toast

On reflection? For me it was when the referee said he did not see the handball because he saw his friend Johann in the crowd and he was waving to him...the referee also said he had dinner with Thierry Henry before the game and that he loved the Tom Dunne show...
I am sure this is what is on Liam Brady's mind. Well done to Arsenal for doing this at the time!

Arsène Wenger offers an FA Cup rematch to Sheffield United 13 February 1999

“The FA Cup often throws up weird and wonderful situations but in 1999 Highbury witnessed one of the strangest episodes in the competition's history. Arsenal were drawn at home against Sheffield United in the Fifth Round and beat the Yorkshire team 2-1 thanks to goals from Patrick Vieira and Marc Overmars. However, the winning goal caused plenty of controversy.

The ball had been kicked into touch by a United player so one of his team-mates could receive treatment. But when Kanu received possession from the resulting throw, he broke away down the right and squared for Overmars to score. Sheffield United were outraged…. Arsène Wenger offered United manager Steve Bruce a chance to replay the match at Highbury. Wenger's gracious offer was accepted and, with the FA's consent, the rematch took place 10 days later”.
Do people really think that the Irish team and the FAI would be running to offer a replay if the situations were reversed?

By the way, remember the Hand of Back in the heineken cup final. Anyone remember the Munster players reaction after it. Not one called for a replay or ban.
Do people really think that the Irish team and the FAI would be running to offer a replay if the situations were reversed?

Well needless to say yes of course.

Google images "Le Cheat"
FIFA want France in the World Cup. There is no way there will be a reply.
The 4 unseeded teams should have protested about the way the draw was made at the time. If they had got together they could have forced an open draw. We still could have got France but at least it would have felt everyone had an equal chance. The FAI were very quiet about it.

When the Henry incident happened last night I was shouting at the TV for Ireland not to tip-off. Once you re-start the match you have virtually no-chance of getting the goal ruled out, match replayed etc.

We should have protested longer and harder than we did and made a bigger fuss at that time.

However, my other half asked an interesting question about the circumstances of the goal. If Henry went to the referee after the goal had been scored and said I handled the ball, could the ref have changed his mind given that he didn’t see the handball. In other words, can a referee take a player’s word on an incident and make his decision accordingly?
Don't know but if (as has been suggested) Henry admitted his handball to Dunne, who allegedly told him "I'm not the ref.", implicit in that statement in my mind is "well tell the ref. then" or better still, and I'm not apportioning responsibility to Dunne, but why didn't he call the ref himself, call over Henry and say "Tell him what you just told me" ?
As far as I'm aware, a ref can change a decision once the game has not been restarted. If Henry had have gone straight to him (instead of celebrating the goal) and said he stopped the ball from going out with his hand, the ref may have changed his mind but I'm not sure if he can do that if he himself did not see the handball.

Because I presume he told him after the match!! I see the FAI have lodged a complaint to FIFA and are outlining what they believe is a precedent for a replay!
Maybe there will me more to this so. The precedent set is interesting.

[broken link removed]

Not really. Its completely different. The ref ordered a free out rather than a retake of the penalty kick. He made a technical error on the remedy rather than a genuine mistake on the actual offence.

If FIFA was to allow a replay now, there would have to be a replay everytime a ref didn't award a penalty or did award one that wasn't one, or sent someone off or didn't send someone off etc etc etc.

People just need to get over it. Even Trap has said it can't be replayed.
If FIFA was to allow a replay now, there would have to be a replay everytime a ref didn't award a penalty or did award one that wasn't one, or sent someone off or didn't send someone off etc etc etc.

True, and don't forget UEFA gave an arsenal player a 2 match ban for diving earlier this season and then did a u-turn after Wenger said they would be opening a can of worms.
Keep up the negativity Sunny! By the end of today you'll have us all agreeing with you. Sure weren't we lucky to be even on the same pitch as the French! Little old Ireland looking for replays! What nonsense.