Ireland Vs France-The French Goal!!

Here's a contrast - snooker - traditionally regarded as the game of 'corner boys' (whatever they are) and chronic truants.

These guys call their fouls all the time.

I agree with Sunny on the technology aspect though. It has to happen. Or at the very least, as another poster said, during contentious situations have the ref. simply ask the player if he handled/fouled - if he denies it and it turns out he was lying afterwards, there has to be a replay of the game.

Why not?
Anyway I am obviously on my own calling for a bit of prespective

No, you're on your own with your "sure we would have lost anyway" attitude.

I have never asked for a replay of the match. We lost on the night, however unfairly it was, and that is that IMO. Plenty of countries though the years have been the victim of poor officiating decisions without the result being affected, the most high profile being Geoff Hurst's goal in the 1966 WC final and Maradona in 1986, not to mention the World Cup in 2002 where South Korea were the beneficiaries of several dubious decisions, agianst both Spain and Italy.

However, it is not beyond FIFA's remit to take action against Henry using video evidence vis-a-vis a 2-3 match ban for unsportsmanlike conduct which would put his World Cup participation in jeopardy.

That is of course, assuming FIFA want to stamp out cheating and the evidence is not there to suggest that they do.
We all know cheating pays in soccer these days, so why not get rid of the ref altogether? That would make for an interesting game. We could call it 'cheatball' or something.

Gutted for Ireland, and delighted a stink is being kicked up about it. When you get beat by a cheat you don't just lie down and say 'Ah well'. You stand up and make some noise.
Gutted for Ireland, and delighted a stink is being kicked up about it. When you get beat by a cheat you don't just lie down and say 'Ah well'. You stand up and make some noise.

Agreed. I doubt these emails will carry any weight in terms of actually getting a replay but at least it shows the level of anger at the injustice carried out and may, just may, force FIFA to think about trying to prevent these injustices happening again (i.e. use technology!). That had to be one of the biggest injustices I've seen in football - and I'm a Leeds fan so know a thing or two about injustices!!
Please tell me you are joking - that was a complete wind-up interview!

On reflection, I think it was too gobsmacking to be serious. The only serious aspect of it was that I almost choked on my toast:D
Actually the penalty was still given and Fowler scored it!

The penalty was given, but it was saved and it was McAteer who scored with the follow up. Fowler claims he meant to score and didn't hit a soft penalty on purpose. It was a funny week for Fowler too as he got two letters form the FA, one congratulating him on his sporting behaviour and another handing him a ban for showing a t-shirts some weeks previously proclaiming support for the Liverpool Dockers who were on strike.

Any way. Are we seriously going to bombard UEFA/FIFA with letters and emails? I'm as pee'd as the next, but that's sport, you take it on the chin. Seriously, if this hyperbole continues we will never be able to pass any judgement on the English again.

It was a harsh and unjust way to go out. It stinks, but let's go out with some dignity.
Was outnumbered by French watching the game last night. Their immediate reaction when they saw the goal ( and not the foul) naturally was of delight- quickly turned sour though when they saw the replay.

Nobody, including the French, wants to win this way. Look at Le Monde this morning- over 85% of French people think Ireland should have won last night.

Henry at least admitted it was a handball- maybe he didn't have much choice, but since when did that stop others maintaining at least a silence?

I think Ireland played really well last night, and I think a replay would be the best option. Think Dunphy said last night we could go to arbritration about it?

But even so, I have to admit I'm happy at least that the French acknowledge it was a cheat and they're not happy about it. Fair play to them for that.
But even so, I have to admit I'm happy at least that the French acknowledge it was a cheat and they're not happy about it. Fair play to them for that.

On reflection maybe we shouldn't let it drop, if we accept a humble apology so easily (especially when he's been caught rapid) it might give FF ideas.
FIFA have come out this morning and said that they have no comment to make on the match and they don't intend to make a comment either. Their match report [broken link removed]
barely mentions any controversy. They want to sweep it under the carpet. Are we going to let them? Not without making some noise.

We're a small country, and I'm sure FIFA don't give a fiddlers about us. But we've always stood up for ourselves because we have a bit of pride. And we need to stand up for ourselves now, even if there's no chance of anything being done about it, because it shows that we have pride in ourselves and that we won't go quietly to the corner.

Of course it's just football, but don't underestimate how important it is to the country. People often associate the rise of the team in 88 to the rise of the country's economy. And though this might be taking things a little far, God knows we need something to cheer about these days. Our politicians aren't going to rise the country like our football team did, and would have at the World Cup.
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Any way. Are we seriously going to bombard UEFA/FIFA with letters and emails? I'm as pee'd as the next, but that's sport, you take it on the chin. Seriously, if this hyperbole continues we will never be able to pass any judgement on the English again.

It was a harsh and unjust way to go out. It stinks, but let's go out with some dignity.

Well said.
No, you're on your own with your "sure we would have lost anyway" attitude.

I have never asked for a replay of the match. We lost on the night, however unfairly it was, and that is that IMO. Plenty of countries though the years have been the victim of poor officiating decisions without the result being affected, the most high profile being Geoff Hurst's goal in the 1966 WC final and Maradona in 1986, not to mention the World Cup in 2002 where South Korea were the beneficiaries of several dubious decisions, agianst both Spain and Italy.

However, it is not beyond FIFA's remit to take action against Henry using video evidence vis-a-vis a 2-3 match ban for unsportsmanlike conduct which would put his World Cup participation in jeopardy.

That is of course, assuming FIFA want to stamp out cheating and the evidence is not there to suggest that they do.

Do you mind not putting words in my mouth. I never said you asked for a replay but people are.

Where did I say we would have lost? It's no more incorrect to point out that we could have lost anyway than people here saying we lost because of the goal. If the goal hadn't been scored, Ireland would still of had to win the game somehow. They were denied that opportunity. Thats all. They weren't denied automatic qualification.

I have admitted we were robbed but I have played sport at international level. I have benefited from and lost due to decisions made. I have seen people 'cheat' and I have probably 'cheated' myself. I get as angry and as upset as anyone but I also play sport for the highs and lows that it provides. You don't always get what you deserve. That's the beauty of it.
there were two players on that pitch that played a pivotal role in Irelands defeat and I do not consider Henry to be one of them.
Lloris the French keeper was awesome in both games and if it had not been for him the game(s) would have been won comfortably.
The other is Mc'Shane...The moment O shea hobbled off and Mc'shane stepped onto that pitch I said "This game is lost"
Mc'Shane was in the perfect position both goal and ball side of Henry but somehow miracuoulously out manouvered himself to end up as a spectator OFF the pitch at the side of the goal, the lad is a very VERY poor footballer.
What Henry did was despicable but there was more than one reason Ireland were defeated.
Personally, I don't just blame the Officials & Henry.

I think it's the Banks, Property Developers, & Fianna Fail

Oh...and the Public Sector too.

Can't blame FF on this one, unfortunately.

In fact, I'd say Brian Cowen started crying when Gallas scored.

I'd say he was thinking "qualify for World Cup = General Election just beforehand when the country is on crest of wave of hope = 5 more years in power yippee!"
Even if we were awarded given a replay, we'd still be starting a goal down and I don't think that would be fair. Aside form the hookey goal, both teams finished level after the two matches so why should France's advantage be restored?

I think that if it is decided to have a replay, it should assume a staring point of 0-0 with the match possibly played at a neutral venue (Anfield? :)).
It's not the point though. We were robbed but no-one died. It's sport. Its there to be enoyed in all its beauty and ugliness. All this is taking away from what was Ireland's finest ever performance in my view. Henry and the match officials should be embarassed but calling for replays and lifetime bans is just plain stupid.

This would be ok if you were talking about amateur sport such as the olympics before professionalism. There is a real impact on peoples lives as a result of this. People forget that the players on the field are doing a job. The outcome of the match will have a huge effect on the future careers of some of the participants. Those that missed out on going to the World Cup could have missed the biggest opportunity of their lifes. There lives and those of their family are altered forever. While professional sport can often look like a soap opera, you have to remember that the people on the pitch are real people doing real jobs for real money.
This would be ok if you were talking about amateur sport such as the olympics before professionalism. There is a real impact on peoples lives as a result of this. People forget that the players on the field are doing a job. The outcome of the match will have a huge effect on the future careers of some of the participants. Those that missed out on going to the World Cup could have missed the biggest opportunity of their lifes. There lives and those of their family are altered forever. While professional sport can often look like a soap opera, you have to remember that the people on the pitch are real people doing real jobs for real money.

An obvious question though is why didn't they do the job in the qualifiers? It's ok to say that this one moment in the match ruined everything, but if their livelihoods and careers were so dependent on getting to the World Cup, then it's not good enough to just perform well in 1.5 matches and blame one poor decision from the officials.
Oh let me see, how about these few injustices ... [poster drones on and on and on here about real and imagined injustices dating back centuries :)] ...
Anyway, this isn't about Leeds!
Thanks be to Jaysus!!

Listen, you're a ***** ****** supporter, get on with supporting (somewhere else please) and stop whinging. The swear filter recognises the words ***** ****** as profanity and filters them out - excellent work mods.