Ireland - Its sinking ..

"...but hey, piggy, you got yours so all the rest can piss-off. Right? Your 'Irishness' extends no further than your front door."

I'm sorry've completely lost me! What are you talking about? Seriously. Where did I say anything about not caring about anyone except myself.

That chip must be very heavy.
Sitting in a corporate flat in Boston, San Jose, Sydney, or London does not constitute 'living' in another country. The other posters have described their breadth and depth of integration in other countries. I've got 7 years in Ireland. And your experiences are...
Re: Re: Ireland - Its sinking ..

I'm sorry max...holding a rational discussion with you is just too difficult. You seem to want to make these sweeping fictitious remarks in every post.

I never lived in a fancy apartment in any country, nor did I live in Boston or San Jose.
Here ya go...
I just bought a house which overlooks them. So, I have the city right beside me and the mountains when I go home. It's little things like that make me tick.
I also love Dublin nightlife. It's fantastic.
Got mah mates and da pub and don't need nutin' else. Some much for social fabric. You are another lost cause.

There have been seismic shifts in ordinary life over the last 15 years and it will take years more to adapt. We're not the poor cousins anymore for one. A campaign on social pride and responsiblilty would be government money well spent IMO.
The day will come when people won't litter or urinate in doorways because the first passer-by will say something and not tell themselves it's not their problem.
Re: Oz

There's some pretty aggressive piggy bashing being indulged in by the "Irish-abroad", the points have been made as to why Ireland's a good place to live. I don't question what right others have to assert that there are better places than Ireland but given that the "irish-abroad" are supposed to be best placed to judge it seems as if you're only trying to convince yourselves that you made the right choice. Just don't expect me to help you ease your conscience, I don't envy you your obvious indecision. It's a pity that your satisfaction with your choice has to be based on a comparison with how bad you think things in Ireland are and not by how happy you are where you are. The world can laugh all it likes, its a poor place if it spends its time looking over its neighbours wall congratulating itself that they're "considerably richer than yew".
"Got mah mates and da pub and don't need nutin' else. Some much for social fabric. You are another lost cause."

:lol This is really hilarious max. Priceless.
I gave one small example of two things I like about living in Ireland and you take that as being in some way heartless. Truly, truly priceless.

Keep em coming max. This is the best laugh I've had all day.

Oh...must dash, my secretary just brought in my hookers for the afternoon.
For the listeners at home, piggy, tell us of your bonding with the Brits, Ozzies, Yanks, and Singaporians. I am certain the level of your experiences in other lands will be of great interest and a credit to your adaptability in extraordinary conditions.

Otherwise, zip it. seem to be on some personal vendetta against me. Hilarious though that is I don't feel I need to share anything with you.

This post is not about me.

Oh...must dash, my secretary just brought in my hookers for the afternoon.

7 minutes Piggy.

Or maybe you like to post while on the job? That redefines geeky for me. Keep it up.

Post containing obscenity deleted

Edited by: rainyday at: 19/5/04 3:45 pm

Abuse of power as a joke or unhinged? We report, you decide.

"Keep it up."

Thankfully, that's never a problem.

Thanks for recycling my pun, as em, a pun.

Also, you do brag about your lady skills a little old chap. I assume you are not 15?
Don't flatter yourself, piggy. Enquiring minds want to know your qualifications in the area of living abroad with the emphasis on the living bit. Too many people can only mouth the words and cannot comprehend the meaning. Witness any event where a national anthem is sung. Most don't know anything beyond the first stanza. Makes watching Irish matches worthwhile when the camera pans to the crowd. Mumble, mumble, mumble.

So exactly (there is that directness again) what is attractive about Ireland at present? Say you are trying to sell it to a Czech manufacturer that will need to relocate 150 staffers that are paid 25K per year (professionals, like you.) Go! Sell Ireland!

Sorry its not intelligent comment , but Elk is correct .

Ireland ( particularly Dublin , Limerick ) is a Sh*thole.

It has turned into a giant fun park for the rich and / or the politicians , who can do whatever they want , and fix any social annoyance that bothers them , and screw the rest of the populace

Any other country would have had taken these people to task , probably very violently - be we just sit here drunker , fatter, dumber and increasingly unhappier as the country festers into selfish anarchy.

i'm sorry but Im out of here soon as I can .

Its a disgrace.

our satisfaction with your choice has to be based on a comparison with how bad you think things in Ireland are and not by how happy you are where you are. The world can laugh all it likes, its a poor place if it spends its time looking over its neighbours wall congratulating itself that they're "considerably richer than yew".


Im afraid you've missed the point entirely. Its not about being rich its about standards and ethics. The STANDARD of public services in Ireland is a joke. When people die in our hostpital, streets and roads due to say drunk drivers being "let off" due to the incompetence of the local police (or perhaps corruption) that is unacceptable.

If you think its nice to live in a country where you have substandard medical care and education thats your business.

I wan't going to post any more but I cannot believe the blind patriotism eminating from certain people on this board. Wake up and smeel the coffee.. Ireland HAS big social problems. I mean BIG.. Don't you care?

Anyway I'm finished with this thread. It just saddens me that some people cannot see the wood for the trees. Instead of being mature about this. They resort to attacking statements like "What planet do you live on etc?"

Have a little respect please.

Max...I know I've talked to some of your other incarnations on this website before. The way you talk gives it away.

This is getting silly (as usual).

Elk was/is Irish.

If you want to keep this conversation going, talk to someone else. I'm not interested in it anymore.
I kinda agree with both sides. Nobody can convince me that this country should have improved an awful lot more in basic social areas (like health and education given) given the success we have had over the last ten years or so. We don't have anything like the standards that some European countries enjoy, but our country is still so new and the investment was missing for so long that most other countries have had quite a headstart. That doesn't take away from the fact that the present government has wasted lorryloads of cash though.

And this might be a democracy and it might be a lot better a totalitarian regime, but it's still a mess. Just because it's not much worse than the situation in the UK and US doesn't make it ok. The gradual erosion of political differences has seen us wind up with the lowest common demoninator politicians and combine it with the general trend towards industry-driven government and unsurprisingly we've ended up without a proper choice in a pretty materialistic society. The so-called "choice" is a cod in reality; I have no idea who to vote for in the local elections. Do you vote for the wishy-washy useless guy who might be reasonably corruption-free or go for the rogue who gets things done. I take my civic and community responsiblities fairly seriously and have thought about going up for election myself. But there's no way I'd do all the ass-kissing and how could I do it anyway when the payment is designed to reflect part-time work but I need full-time pay? I reckon the whole system in this country needs a major over-haul .. I won't even start on the pointlessness of the Seanad. I don't think decent people will go for politics until there are major changes or until enough time passes that the bad smell around it at the moment fades.

Sometimes I'm tempted by the cultural buzz in London but I don't think I'd move permenantly, even if I could uproot all my friends and family. It's not about patriotism (which I think is another joke) or apathy. I'd sooner stay here and try to make it better than desert it like the proverbial rats on a sinking ship; even if all I can do is keep pestering local politicians and organisations to get their act together and trying to persuade everyone I know to take a more active role. It's our mess, it's up to us to sort it out one way or another. Maybe we have to wait for all the selfish people to go to Sweden or something before we can get on with it ... "ask not what your country can do for you ... etc"

And with a dismissive posture (piggy) and a mechanic's shrug (MissRibena), we conclude this dreary segment.

Join us next time when we will take up again and fail to progess on the 'bash Johnnie Foreigner' topic.

Until then, I am Max Hopper.