Involuntary pay cut


Registered User
My employer has asked all the employees in our company to take a pay cut due to a drop off in business.
When asked what other options there are, the employer has said that there are no other options. If I refuse to take a pay cut, where do I stand legally?? Can my employer enforce an involuntary redundancy?
Hi Pinkybear...
This is actually a question I posted for my partner. She is in the Real estate business and as you know the property market is not very active at the moment so the chances of getting a postion in another company are very slim right now.
In my experience when things are tough alot of companies put pay freezes and cuts into place. I work in the IT industry and we had the dot bomb a few years ago.
The case of real estate would be simular in that for a few years it was boom time - salaries high - you name it bonuses were great.. Then a readjustment occurs, things are obviously different - pay not as good - pay freezes and the like. I have been through it and come out of the bomb in a good position. If your gf likes what she does stay with it - things will improve - when I dont know..
If I refuse to take a pay cut, where do I stand legally?? Can my employer enforce an involuntary redundancy?

Of course, if they don't have the money to pay staff they just let them go, they can pick who they want to make redundant.

If your company has a certain number of employees or is unionised, then the company has to hold talks with the employees before they make decisions.