Your first question first, Dontaskme: The numbers of construction jobs-compare the previous post of me (at page 1) the number of constructed houses in Ireland with the number of constructed houses in Germany of last jear, then it makes sense. But here again : Ireland 18.6 houses per 100,000 inhabitants versus Germany 2.7 houses per 100.000 inhabitants. Given the better efficiency of German construction workers compared to what's going on Irish sites (one on the ladder, one down holding the ladder and the third watching out for the safety inspector or preparing tea....) this ratio (7:1) makes sense.
I'll get you the exact source of my infos later on so you can check them yourself.
Secondly, not a real question but a statement of yours, the corroding German health system:
5 jears ago any person insured in Germany had the doctor/hospital/longterm treatment for free. Then the €10.- charge per quarter was introduced-for all treatments/doctor visits in that quarter. Then this was increased to €10.- per doctor, meaning €10.- for the general practioner plus €10.- for the optician plus €10.- for the orthopaedic doctor plus plus plus, for every doctor € 10.-, per quarter. Then the hospital €10.- charge was introduced:€ 10.- per day for up to 20 something days, per treatment. Some people have to go twice to hospital-they pay twice then. Then the longterm treatment charge was introduced, going to a "Kur" (I translate it as long term treatment due to my lack of English, or the lack of the English equivalent to it), €10.- per day. Then the "Rezept gebuehr" (priscription fee) was introduced, €10 (or was it €7.50?) for every prescription. This was increased to €10.- for every medication prescribed , 3 medicaments on the prescription for example = €30.-.Some patients nedd a dozen prescrptions per quarter.
Then the OAP homes charged the full home/care costs to the OAPs and not to the healthinsurer as before, plus every treatment of the doctor, plus every prescription etc., see above. Meaning that nearly every little saving/pension old people had saved a lifetime for is gone (their houses/flats are sold by force to pay for the stay), they're now social cases ("Sozialfaelle") - beggars.
Then the min. income limits for the patients where reduced, people on low income had the prescription fees waved, not anymore. All this within 5 or 6 years. Now they want to take out all children from the coverage of the health system, planned for 2007 !!! Planned is an extra tax to cover the healthcare for the children of Germany.
I guess the next step is to take out the handicapped and elderly, introducing an extra separate tax for them.
We should keep in in mind that the reunifacation of the two Germanys increased the population by about 20%.
18 million people without jobs, insurance, no usefull education.That emptied the state coffers within 5 years. You might have heard about that Germany can't keep the Maastrich stability pact on new debts. Imagine Ireland gets reunited on such conditions: the population grows by 20% overnight and these people have no money, no jobs, no social infrastructure. Just the clothes they wear. And Ireland would still have to pay netto contributions to the EU.......
The employement agency of Poland is not looking for miners, farmers, masons or household aides. But for fully trained car mechanics, 3-3.5 years apprenticeship.The car factories are moving faster then the education systems nowadays. With the aid of EU subsidies b.t.w.. The major contributor of these subsidies is:Germany.
The next EU budget will reveal some nasty surprises, to every EU citicen.....
Imagine Ireland is forced to increase all taxes to pay for those things they're used to get for free. Water, transport.....and helping those in need as well.