I'm afraid this could be the straw that broke the camel's back for us...
In the last year we've been suffocated into arrears by this rate increases. Still making full payments but just about...
Tracker was not an option for us when we got our mortgage and we fixed for 3 years and still are finding it impossible to keep affloat.
One solution that is being circulated is a tweaking of TRS for mortgage holders. i.e
a reduction after a certain point for those on trackers and an increase for SVR holders.
I know the Tracker mortgage brigade will snarl at this idea but as it stands it is simply not fair that SVR mortgage holders are been shaken upside for all their income to fund the gap that trackers have created.
... And you can say what you like about SVR going up/down, etc... and we should be prepared for it.Yes! may be we should but I aint got a salary increase since 2008.
Since then the cost of fuel, childcare, tax, VAT, stealth tax, living, have ALL increased on top of property taxes, household charges, etc...
It's painful to watch this play out in front of you and no one in Daíl giving a toss.
Never again will I vote Fine Gael, never!