Qwertyuiop, this is getting embarressing. You've not included the cost of the mortgage - which at a rate of 5.25% (todays rate) would mean even though the property increased in value over the period you've paid more for the mortgage than the property has risen in value - in any terms - real/nominal/whatever.
I appreciate you may have tenants paying this via rent but you got to include all figures rather than just playing around with magic numbers.
The whole point of my earlier post using the example of 1million was for illustration purposes only.
I actually was purposely picking numbers out of thin air.
I was specifically replying a previous thread where someone was saying it is real terms that matter - not nominal terms.
I used the above illustration to in fact illustrate the opposite.
That was the only point of my post.
People were not supposed to get bogged down in the figures i used.
Perhapos i should have stated that more clearly.
But if were to take those figures, then say with an 80% mortgage it would require a yield of 4.2% based on current interest rates of 5.25%.
That yield is available currently in dublin city centre.